chapter 3

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guys we dissected and eye today and god it was gross :( 

and it was right before lunch too >:(

Quackity pov

I shuddered as I woke up, I sat up quickly as my breath quickened. I looked around and saw Wilbur sitting on the couch, twirling a knife in his hand. 

I was back in Wilbur's bed and nicely tucked in, he seemed to be deep in thought and didn't notice I was up. 

'W-Wilbur?' I said with a small voice, and his head shot up to me. I looked away form him as he approached. 

'Morning Quackity, I'll go make breakfast and you can shower. He said while throwing me some clothes. 

I narrowed my eyes at him but got up and walked to the bathroom door. I opened the door and found a neat bathroom, not too luxurious but still better than normal. 

'The collar's waterproof and you can't take it off with out me so don't even try.' He warned and my hand reached up to touch my collar self consciously. My eyes widened when I realized the bulky collar was gone and there was a much lighter collar replacing it.

I nodded and locked the door behind me while Wilbur worked on breakfast. I looked at my collar in the mirror and it was a usual blue collar but there was a small box on the side, and two stripes of neon blue lines going through the middle. 

I sighed and splashed my face with water, I looked like shit, there were light bags under my eyes and I looked sleep deprived. 

I turned on the shower and stepped in, relishing the short moment of bliss the hot water brought me, where I don't have to worry about anything, where I can't feel anything, not anger, not sadness, not joy, just nothing.

I sighed as I stepped out of the shower and put on my clothes, a black hoodie and some jeans. I smiled as the smell of eggs and bacon wafted into my nose, I used to eat this all the time when I was young after I met Wilbur...

I opened the door with my hair still dripping wet, I was met with Wilbur sitting at the table with a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him and another plate beside him. 

A small smile placed itself on my lips as I went and sat down beside Wilbur. 

We ate in awkward silence and I fidgeted around with the table cloth once I finished. I could feel the burning creeping up my throat but I ignored it, I was used to not drinking blood for weeks and I was not going to beg Wilbur for it.

'Wilbur, why are you being nice to me?' I asked quietly and he sighed, I looked at him as he leaned back in his chair. 

'Because Quackity, I still-' He was interrupted with loud knocking on the door. 

'Hold on.' He said while getting up to open the door. Outside revealed a girl hunter with pink hair, she was panicking and she rushed into the room after Wilbur had opened the door, either not minding me or just ignoring me. 

I looked at Wilbur and raised my eyebrow at him, and he shrugged back. He walked over to the very nervous girl and put a hand on her shoulder, snapping her out of her daze.

'Wilbur! I-I-I don't-t k-know how i-it happened-d h-he jus-st dis-disappeared I-I-' She was stuttering so much I could barely understand her. 

'Calm down Niki, come sit down.' Wilbur said while pulling her down to sit with him on the couch. 

I leaned back in the chair with an amused stare and watched Wilbur try to calm her down enough for her to be able to speak properly. I crossed my legs as Niki opened her mouth to speak.

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