Although there were no seasonings or magic ramen soup that gives the taste of my hometown, I was confident that I would become a Daejanggeum-like class of existence here.

Yep, I’m going to win affection with my food!

It seemed that a ray of light was now visible in a life that had only seemed dark.

In an instant, Ella's eyes met with mine. I pulled the corners of my mouth as much as possible and smiled, and she looked at me with eyes wondering what I had eaten wrong.

Why are you looking at me like that when I’m smiling.

I barely held back my swearing.

I just wanted her to live happily ever after with her prince.

“What do you think tastes the best?”

I asked in front of the array of plates. First, I tried a challenge with potatoes, which was a readily available ingredient.

An appetizing potato soup, the French fries you couldn’t put down once you put it in your mouth, a potato salad, and potato croquettes were the result.

“I think the baked potatoes are the best!”

Ella, who had a lot of ashes on her lips, answered with a flushed face. The corners of my mouth that stiffened in a moment. The baked potato was only made because it would be a waste to let the remaining embers burn so I had buried the potatoes in the ashes.

“I think it would be better to think a little more and make a decision”

With a smile on my face, I urged her to think more carefully before answering.

But Ella's expression was too determined. Without thinking about it again, it looked as if the baked potato was the most delicious food in the world.

The corners of his raised lips quivered. I didn't stir the mayonnaise that goes into the salad just to hear this kind of noise.

When I heard that potatoes that had been thrown into the ashes were delicious instead of the food cooked with sweat, I lost all my strength and felt a sense of disappointment.

Trimaine and Drizella, who had entered the kitchen with curious faces, stopped and looked at the food on the table.

“What is all this?”

Trimaine asked with puzzled eyes.

“I just made this and that.”

“Did you make all of this?”

In disbelief, Tremaine asked, raising her eyes. Drizella, who was next to her, had a similar expression.

When I saw the audience-like reaction, I started to feel a little bit energetic. It felt like I was being compensated a little for my heart that was upset because of Ella.

“It isn’t much.”

Feeling proud, I pointed to the table and closed my eyes.

"Please eat a lot."

And I thought.

The gods still had 12 lives left.

I devoted myself to cooking with the sole intention of making dish that surpassed baked potatoes.

At first, it started just to win Ella’s favor, but later it has turned into something like either you win or I win.

I cooked with all my might, but nothing could beat the baked potato.

Ella, wanting to try baking potatoes by herself, rummaged through the ashes in the oven whenever she had time.

Ella, covered in flying ash, was literally the image of a ash-covered girl. I couldn't be so despondent when I saw her like that.

That itself was a shock, but above all, the changed taste of one person, including my stepmother, also made it difficult for me.

That's how I ended up in the kitchen.

As it turned out, I couldn't tell who was Cinderella.

I even thought I might have been Cinderella.

In the romance fantasy novels I had read, the female protagonist was dazzling with cider, but the only thing that unfolded in front of me was a frustrating situation like a sweet potato.

There was no such thing as falling in love with a prince or duke. Even though it has already been more than a month since I came here, all men were dirty servants, and no matter how much time was put in to polish them, there seemed to be no chance of transforming into a male protagonist.

If this was a novel and I were a reader, I would have been annoyed, saying, "When will the male protagonist come out?"

At a time when I was desperate for a turning point, a life-changing event began.

Waking up as Cinderella's StepsisterWhere stories live. Discover now