17- amusement park 

Start from the beginning

"Yeah yeah sure I dreamed about you because of my longing for you" Sophia said giggling.

"They seem really close, even that day she knew that Sophia was upset without Sophia telling her".

"Yeah I'm gonna tell you about the dream just wait a second" Sophia said before picking up her clothes and entering the bathroom with her phone.

"She can't be her girlfriend right?".

"I mean she said that she wasn't in a relationship and that she isn't thinking to be in a one just yesterday".

"Could she be the one Sophia had a crush on a month ago".

I shake my head, "no I don't think so, they seem like they know each other for a long time".


Sophia gets out from the bathroom already dressed, she sits in front the mirror to do her hair.

"Where are we going so I know what to do with my hair" she asks.

"Amusement park" I answer before sitting on the bed.

She nods before checking her phone again.

"Yeah I told you the dream is so weird that's why I was scared for you, also why do you sound out of breath" Sophia asks 'Vi' while doing her hair.

"No I didn't see the video give me a second" she says.

"Vii, why are you talking to my while showering finish then talk to me you're gonna pass out from all the fog" she fake screams at her.

"Also who the fuck shower with their glasses on" she asked.

"What the fuck, she sent her a video of her showering, like naked?".

"If Sophia doesn't like her I think she does because who sends their friends a video while showering". 

"Anyway I need to go now I will talk to you later bye" Sophia said before getting up.

"I'm sorry I didn't wake up early I slept really late last night" she apologized looking at me.

"You're good we just need to get out now so we can follow the others" I say.

"Do you know who will be there?" She asks.

"If you're wondering about Chloe she won't be there, her little pride prevents her from going out with us to play" I say.

I can see a moment where she felt relived but she immediately changed the look on her face, "No why would it matter to me if she is coming I don't care, I was just asking" she said looking down.

I go to grab my phone when I notice Sophia holding her stomach while squeezing her eyes, she takes a deep breath before standing straight up again.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, "humm?" She asks looking up, "come on lets go we can eat something now" I say.


Everyone is sitting at the table eating right now, I ordered some pasta and Sophia ordered her usual chicken fingers.

"Emma stop stealing my food I told you before we ordered that I will not share with you" Sara said smacking Emma's hand away from her plate.

"Oww, stope being so stingy it's just one piece" Emma said rubbing her hand.

"I don't care I asked you and you said you didn't want any so it's not my fault" Sara said shrugging her shoulders.

"But I'm hungry" Emma complained.

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