The night we met | Seungmin

Start from the beginning

"Suengminnie, where are you going?" My obviously very drunk friend clung to my arm. It took a second to free myself from her grip. Before I left the house, I went to the wardrobe to get my umbrella. Luckily I decided to take one with me today.

Cold air, mixed with raindrops blew into my face as soon as I opened the front door. I could see her figure sitting on the stairs. She buried her face in her hands. It looked like she was crying. Her clothes were soaked wet. Without thinking much, I opened the umbrella in my hand and held it over her, covering her from the rain.

Y/n's pov:
The raindrops suddenly stopped falling down on me. Huh? I raised my head from my hands. It continued raining everywhere else around me. My gaze wandered up to a man. He was holding an umbrella over my head, preventing the rain from touching me. I recognised him to be the man from before. He was just standing there, looking down at me. I quickly wiped my tears away.

"Seungmin, right?" I was pretty sure that this was the name he had shouted after me. The only response I got from him was a short nod. Seems like he wasn't very talkative.

"Thank you, Seungmin." I sniffed. The brown-haired man sat down next to me, not taking his eyes off me. None of us said a word for the next five minutes. We just listened to the sound of raindrops falling onto the umbrella.

"You are freezing." It wasn't a question but more of a statement to himself. I looked at my arms. I had goosebumps and was shivering a little bit. Seungmin was right, I was indeed freezing. I chose to only wear a black top with a skirt Topform this party. Doyun helped me choose this outfit earlier this day. I really liked it but right now I was feeling very uncomfortable wearing it.

"Yeah, a little bit." I knew he didn't expect an answer from me. I still gave him one though. Seungmin looked over at me and our eyes met. It felt like he could look directly into my soul. I quickly looked away. Instantly pictures of Doyun and that woman appeared in my head again.

Seungmin raised an eyebrow. "Your clothes are completely soaked." He said. I was looking up at the moon. It was the only source of light right now. I felt how he laid his jacket over my shoulders. "You're obviously more than just a little bit cold. We can go inside again." I quickly shook my head.

"I don't want to go into this house ever again." Only thinking about it made me feel like throwing up.

"I know it's none of my business but uhm did something happen with Doyun?" Seungmin's voice had a worried undertone. I scoffed.

"Well yes, I think you can say that." He looked at me, waiting for an explanation. "Doyun is... no, he was my boyfriend. And you were right, he went upstairs with another girl. I think you can imagine the rest yourself." Tears started to form in my eyes again. Why am I even telling him this? Seungmin was a stranger to me. We never met before but something about him made me trust him.

His eyes widened. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that he was your boyfriend. Uhh is there anything I can do for you? Or do you want to be alone?" I thought about it for a second. Actually, I didn't want to be alone, so I shook my head.

"No, I don't really want to be alone." Seungmin nodded.

"Okay, uhm you should definitely get changed or you'll get sick. I can drive you home." I shook my head again.

"Doyun and I live together. I don't want to risk seeing him again." I tried to think of anyone I could go to for a second. There weren't many people who came to my mind though. It seemed like Seungmin noticed my struggle.

"It's just an idea and I know that we don't know each other but you could come to my place." I looked at him. "Don't understand me wrong, you'll definitely get sick if you keep wearing your wet clothes." He was right. But only a completely insane person would go home with a stranger.

Five minutes later I sat in the passenger seat of Seungmin's car. The drive didn't take long. He parked in a parking lot 15 minutes later. My eyes widened in surprise when he opened the door to his apartment. The inventory was more casual but still looked warm and cozy. I followed Seungmin into the living room.

"Wait here for a second. I'll check if I have something you can wear." He had already disappeared before I could answer him.

A guitar in the corner caught my attention. Suddenly I remembered all the times I used to play when I was younger. I was really good at it, but had to stop because of work after my graduation.

"Here, these are the smallest clothes I have. You can change in the bathroom. It's over there." Seungmin pointed at a door to my left.

I looked at the clothes he gave me, before getting changed. The hoodie was grey and oversized. Seungmin actually wasn't much taller than me but I could fit in it almost two times. The pants were also very big. Everything was better than my wet clothes though.

Seungmin was holding back his laugh when I entered the living room again. "Cute" I froze for a second. Did he really say that? It seemed like he was equally shocked as me that he said this word out loud. He quickly cleared his throat.

"Do you want to drink or eat anything?" I shook my head and sat down on the couch. I wasn't hungry at all. Now that I was finally sitting down, I realised how tired I actually was.

We spent the next hour scrolling through our phones before I eventually fell asleep.

>time skip 2 years later<
The tone of my alarm woke me up. I opened my eyes in annoyance. How could I forget to turn my alarm off on a weekend? The second I wanted to leave the bed, someone took my wrist, holding me back.

"Don't go. Only ten more minutes." I chuckled as I heard my boyfriend's raspy morning voice. Who would I be to say 'no' to cuddling? I quickly lay back down next to him. Seungmin put his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest. In this position, both of us fell asleep again.

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