The night we met | Seungmin

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"Excuse me, have you seen Doyun?" The brown-haired woman in front of me shook her head. I sighed. He was the one who wanted me to go to this party together with him. But now I was standing here. Alone.

A tap on my shoulder caused me to turn around. A tall brown-haired man stood there. He was still holding his finger in the air as if he wanted to tap my shoulder again. Before clearing his thoughts he stared at me for two seconds.

"Sorry, you are searching for Doyun, right?" I looked at him suspiciously.

"Yes, I do, but how do you know that?" The man chuckled nervously.

"I just walked by when you asked Hayoon about him and happened to overhear your question." He said. A slight blush had appeared on his cheeks. So Hayoon must be the name of the woman from before.

"Oh okay uhm and do you know where he is?" The guy only nodded in answer. I sighed in relief. I spent the last few hours sitting on a chair at the bar and just wanted to go home.

"He went upstairs with a girl. I suppose that she is his girlfriend or something..." What? I didn't hear the rest of the sentence. This wasn't true, right? I turned around, quickly mumbling a thank you towards the guy and went upstairs.

"By the way, my name is Seungmin." He shouted after me.

On the next floor was a long corridor with many doors to both sides. Ugh, perfect, I thought to myself. I didn't expect this house to have this many rooms. The quickest way to find Doyun would be to quickly peek into every room.

It turned out that this was not the best idea. I saw things I wish I could forget again, which would probably be stuck in my head for the rest of my life. But I stood in front of the last door eventually. I really didn't want to go in there. I took a deep breath and counted to three, in my head, before opening the door.

There he was. I felt like throwing up. My boyfriend was sitting on a bed, making out with another woman. I couldn't move and just stood there in shock. After a few seconds, I finally managed to look away. I couldn't watch the scene any longer. They were so busy kissing each other that they didn't notice that I was entering and leaving the room.

There was no way that I would stay at this house any longer. Tears started falling from my eyes even though I tried to hold them back as long as possible. But I broke down as soon as the front door closed behind me.

Doyun was my boyfriend for three years. He always acted very loving and caring towards me. So far we never had a big argument, until two weeks ago, when I found out that he had kissed someone else. Somehow he had managed to convince me that it was only because he was drunk. Now I felt stupid for staying and even forgiving him.

I sat down on the stairs in front of the house. It was raining but I didn't care. The raindrops started to mix with my tears.

Seungmin's pov:
"Hey, are you even listening to me?" Hayoon stood next to me and pouted.

"Yeah yeah, I'm listening" I wasn't listening. My attention was on the stairs, where the probably most beautiful woman I had ever seen disappeared a few minutes ago.

She had long, straight black hair that was falling over her shoulders. Her eyes were dark brown and she must have been a few centimetres shorter than me. Something about her made me curious and I wanted to talk with her again.

Hayoon continued talking but I couldn't concentrate on a single one of her words. Suddenly the black-haired woman appeared again. She was almost running down the stairs. Something was different than before. But the door closed behind her before I could catch a glimpse of her face. I wanted to follow her, was the only thing that came to my mind.

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