Photograph| Seungmin

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"Hey, excuse me?" I felt someone touching my shoulder. I turned around and looked into the brown eyes of a guy.

"I wondered if you would mind taking a few pictures of me?" He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. He had a very warm and cute smile. I nodded and he gave me his camera. Ugh I don't know how to use cameras. That's really something I'm not good at. Why doesn't he ask me to take a picture with his phone? But I tried and I guess the pictures I took came out well. The guy came back to me and looked through the photos.

"Thank you so much. They are so good"

"Oh yeah, no problem" I said and laughed awkwardly while touching my neck with my hand.

"By the way, I'm Seungmin and you?"

"Y/n" I answered quickly. I coughed

"I mean, my name is Y/n. Nice to meet you Seungmin." His name. I think I heard it before but I'm not sure where.

"I have to go now, I hope we meet again" he waved at me and I watched his tall figure as he left.

"Uhh bye" I said back but he probably couldn't hear me anymore. Woah what was that? I shrugged it off and turned back, to face the flowers in front of me again.

I loved flowers and finally it was summer and all of them started growing. They were spread all over the meadow. I used my phone to take a few photos before I started walking past a Café. When I suddenly smelled coffee. Coffee was my weakness. And I decided that it won't hurt anyone when I buy one. A little bell rang when I opened the door.

"Welcome" a young Girl stood behind the counter and smiled widely at me. Okay i think she wasn't that young, I was maybe two or three years older. But I'm not sure since I'm not that good with guessing age.

"Hello, I would like to have an iced americano please." The girl nodded.

"Yes of course. Take a seat i will bring your order to you when your it is finished." I was a bit surprised when I saw that the café was nearly empty. There were just two people besides me.

When I sat down my thoughts went back to the guy I met before. He was kinda cute. I was still curious about him. I knew that I already knew him but from where? Ahh this was annoying me.

"Here your order" the barista gave me my iced americano and brought me back from my thoughts.

"Thank you"

>time skip<
It was already dark outside when I finally arrived at home. I took my shoes off and threw myself on my bed. The door to my bedroom flew open after a few minutes.

"You're finally back! I thought you just wanted to go out for an hour?" My best friend and roommate Yuna stood there with a raised eyebrow. I chuckled.

"Yeah at first I wanted but when I was on my way home, I saw a café and..." Yuna started laughing

"Yes, no need to say more I guess I know what happened." Yuna and I have been best friends since High school. At first we couldn't stand each other but one day she suddenly punched one of my bullies. She said the only reason why she did it was because they were so loud and annoying. And that was how we became friends.

"Okay anyway, I need your help. I'm going to a party and I can't decide what I should wear. Help me" she whines. I laughed and followed her into her room. My eyes widened when I saw that the whole inventory of Yuna's closet was laid on her bed. And since I know her very well, I'm sure that this won't change in the next two weeks.

"Here. Should I wear that" she held a short black dress in her hand, "or that" she took a black skirt and a white revealing top from her bed. I thought for a moment.

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