Best friends? | Han

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"Y/n, hurry up. I don't want to be late for school again." My best friend Han, stood in the door frame to my room and watched impatiently as I packed my bag.

"It wasn't my fault that we were late yesterday though." He scoffed.

"Well, you didn't remind me that I have to take the project with me, which we made together during the weekend." I stopped in my movement for a second and glared at him. This boy always had an excuse.

"Okay, I'm finished. Let's go"

Luckily I didn't live far away from our school. But I'm sure that we still won't arrive on time. I guess I never met another person that walks as slowly as Han. I think during all the years I have known him now, I never saw him run unless it came to food. Especially cheesecake.

There was no one to be seen when we entered the school building. "Ahh not again" I groaned.

"Do you think we will make it at least one time before we graduate?" I looked at him and then sighed.

"No, I don't think so." He nodded in agreement and we knocked on our classroom door.

"Han, Y/n, come in. Hurry up!" The teacher shouted from the inside. He wasn't even surprised anymore.

"Wow, how did he know that we were the ones outside?"

"I don't know, it must be a coincidence" We looked at each other and started laughing. The entire class stared at us when we entered the room. I noticed a boy the moment I sat down in my seat. He stood next to the teacher. "Huh? Who is this?" I whispered to Han. He shrugged.

"I don't know, I have never seen him before"

"As I said before, this is your new classmate. Please introduce yourself" the boy nodded.

"Hello I'm Kim Seungmin and I hope we get along well" while he walked to an empty seat. I took the time to look at him closely. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes. He didn't seem that tall but I suppose he was a bit taller than Han. I had to admit that he was quite handsome. He reminded me a little bit of a puppy. Before I could take my eyes off him, he looked back and our eyes met. A knowing smirk formed on his lips. I blushed and turned to Han.

"Omg he looks so fine" Han glared at Seungmin.

"Nah, I don't think so. He looks like one of these popular boys on which every girl has a crush even though he acts like a jerk." 

"Okay well when you say it it must be true, right?" Han rolled his eyes. He was right and I knew it. Nothing is more fun though than annoying and teasing him. To be fair I had to say that Seungmin wasn't half as good-looking as Han. And To be very clear, I have had a crush on him since secondary school. Yes, that sounds like a great cliché, doesn't it? Having a crush on your best friend, who is very clingy and loves to hug you. But I never told him since I was too afraid to destroy our friendship.

The teacher started the lesson and my attention was everywhere but on what he was saying. I looked at Han and was surprised when I saw that he was actually listening. I thought for a moment but eventually decided to try it at least one time. When I looked at the board in the front, there were so many formulas, I already regretted my decision.

"Do you really understand what he is saying?" Maths wasn't my favorite subject, obviously. Han sighed.

"Yes I do and when you would pay attention to class you would do too" well I wouldn't agree with him on this point. I did once and it was hell. I had headaches
the next day.

My gaze went through the room and stopped on Seungmin. I instantly looked away when our eyes met again. I put my head on the table and groaned. "Han, how long until break?"

"20 minutes" He mumbled while still focusing on the front.

"Class, dismiss!" I swear I could have jumped out of joy hearing these two words from our math teacher. I packed my things and waited for Han when I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Seungmin.

"Oh, hi" I smiled at him.

"Hey, uhm your name is Y/n, right?"

"Yes that's my name" I chuckled.

"I wanted to ask you if you maybe want to go out with me after school." What? Omg did he just ask me out? What should I say now? I stood there and stared at him.

"I think I should go now" Han mumbled and turned around. His words brought me back to reality.

"Seungmin I'm very sorry but I can't. There is already someone else I like" with that said I also left the room quickly.

Ugh, where is he? He isn't that fast usually. I walked a few steps before I saw Han walking towards the cafeteria. What should I say to him?

"Hey Han, wait!" I ran after him and took his wrist when I reached him. "Can we talk for a second?" He sighed.

"Yeah of course. So you are going on a date?" I thought for a moment.

"Yes, I am" Han's smile faded a little bit.

"Oh okay, good luck for you two then."

"No no, I don't go on a date with Seungmin" I quickly clarified.

"Huh?" He blinked a few times in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You!" I said. "I'm going on a date with you" he looked at me with wide eyes. "Listen, I like you. I have liked you since secondary school. I really enjoy being your friend but I don't only want to be that for you. So yes, I want to go on a date with you. But I understand if you don't wan-" before I could finish the sentence I felt arms wrapping around me.

"I want to." He mumbled while still hugging me. "I like you too."

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