Until we meet again | Bang Chan

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"You forgot your lunch!" My mother said worried. I was already in a hurry and now I had to decide if I should run back home to take my lunch or if I'm going to buy something in the school cafeteria, where also all the other students will buy their food. No thank you. I groaned.

"Okay, I'm there in two minutes." I told my mom and put my phone back in my bag. I guess I never ran that fast in my life before. Completely out of breath I reached the house in which I lived together with my mother. She was already waiting for me at the door.

"Have a good day sweetheart" she said as she waved me goodbye.

The bus drove away directly in front of my eyes. How could a day start that bad? I had to wait until the next one arrived in 10 minutes. Well when I have to wait for the next bus, I can actually use this time to do my homework right? I thought. The last weeks were so stressful, because of my job, which I had to support my mom. And when I arrived at home after school and work it was already 10 pm and mostly I was too exhausted to do my homework or study. But when I decided to do it, then I just got like 3 or 4 hours of sleep. Because of that , my grades dropped from good to very bad. But do I have another choice? My mother had three jobs and was working even harder that me. And beside these she was also cleaning and making food for the two of us. That's the reason why I wanted to help her at least a little bit.

I just stared at my math homework in front of me. I understood nothing. The wind kept blowing cold air into my face. I was a few minutes away before freezing. There is no way that there are actual people who like winter. For me it was always so annoying and not to forget winter was the season, when my dear father decided to disappear, 5 years ago. So, no I have no good memories of winter.

I pulled my black hat a bit further in my face. Since when are 10 minutes that long. I took my phone out of my bag to see what time it was. I really don't want to be late for school. Especially not when we have maths in our first period. I'm pretty sure that my teacher doesn't like me. She always finds a reason for scolding me.

I managed to finish my homework the moment the bus arrived at the bus stop. Because I took a bus later than usual, there weren't that many other students beside me. I put my headphones in and took a seat at a window in the back of the bus. I was leaning my head against the window as I watched how everything passed by. Even when I took the bus it still took me 30 minutes until I arrived at school. So I decided to close my eyes and try to sleep a bit more.

When i opened my eyes 15 minutes later, I felt something soft under my head. It was comfortable and I decided to snuggle a bit more into it. But then I suddenly realised where I was and that I wasn't leaning against the window anymore. I lifted my head and looked into the dark brown eyes of a boy.  He wore a black hoodie and had a black beanie on his head, which covered most of his hair, but some of his brown curls were visible. And he had some very bright freckles on his face which you could only see when you were really close to him. Just then I realised that I was staring at him. I felt my cheeks heating up and started to blush.

"I'm sorry" he smiled at me.

"It's important to rest, so don't worry to much about it." My heart stopped for a second, when I saw him smiling. He was very handsome and had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen in my life.

Before I could admire his face for any longer he started to talk again.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Y/N and-" you got cut off by the sound of the opening bus door.

"Oh no, sorry I have to go now. I hope I see you again, Y/N" And with that he left you alone. But the way he said my name, I wanted to hear it again and even when he just left you also wanted to see him again. But is it even possible that you meet him again some day or will life decide that the two of you aren't meant to be.

Suddenly when the bus arrived at your school it started snowing. Well it seems like this is the first time that something good happened in winter.

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