5. Goodbye/All That You Were

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I deserved a better goodbye
Not this empty feeling
With my mind reeling
And with eyes that cry

I deserved the truth and not lies
Not false promises
And subtle dismisses
Of me
That you didn't even try  to hide

I deserve so much better than what you've given me
You're rejection of me has ruined me
Made me feel like I'm somehow unworthy
Of all that you are for others

All that you were for me

All that you were when we created memories that I will never forget

All that you were when I decided I wanted you in my life for the rest of it

All that you were when I let myself be vulnerable and truthful

All that you were when I let myself care for you and never once thought that this is where we'd end up

All that you were

All that you still are

For everyone



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