4. The Way You're Described

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Someone once described you as a starry night walk along the beach
At first I thought it was sweet, but then I realized it's more like when I was drowning in shallow waters at your feet
You saw me struggling and took a seat

Someone once described you as the burning, magnificent sun
But instead of melting away my problems, you melted me away to none

Someone once described you as the warm feeling of a hug
But you held me so tight that you squeezed the life out of me

Why can't anyone else see what I see?
Why can't you be what you are to them, to me?
Why can't you light up my life like the sun they believe you are?
Am I not a good enough shooting star
Do I not meet your expectations bar?

This whole situation has hit me like a car
Used to be so close, and now we're so far.
Must get over this feeling,
Getting over this feeling
but still it sticks me to like tar.

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