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SKYWINGS AND SANDWINGS were in a flat half-circle plateau between the cliffs. Floating globes full of fire lit it. Most SkyWings ate gold, copper, or precious jewels that sparkled in the firelight. The SandWing desert dragons looked rough and common next to them, and many stood awkwardly as if they would instead be charging into battle than making polite conversation at a party. Statues of Queen Scarlet in different regal poses were scattered about the floor, some carved from marble, some the gold, others of smooth black rock with rubies for eyes. Tables aorund the outside were piled high with food, and serval kinds of prey were also rubbing frantically between the dragons' claws.

A low rock barrier kept the prey from escaping into the tunnel, and all aorund the plateau were cliffs going either up or down, so they were trapped. IceMoon saw a Skywing pause mid-conversation, smash her talons down on a mountain goat, pop it in her mouth and continue chatting with the SandWing opposite her. The hybrid also spotted a couple of scavengers among the prey. Instead of running aorund like terrified chickens, one was trying to climb the cliff, the other crawling under one of the tables to hide. It made her wonder if scavengers were more intelligent than they looked.

Now that she could see the feast was out in the open air, she realized how the dragons out here had heard the prisoners singing. She'd been wondering how the sound had carried down the long tunnels, but from here, the arena was only a short dragon hop across a couple of cliffs. Queen Scarlet lay on a tall golden throne, looking down at the other dragons. Another more ephemeral throne was set up next to her for Burn, although Burn's enormous height brought their heads to almost the same level. Burn kept shifting and scowling as if the fancy curved seat was uncomfortable. And indeed, it was for IceMoon to hear the SandWing's complex thoughts.

How can the SkyWings make such evil thrones? And how come I get the worst? *snort* but of course, Scarlet wants the best for herself, and I'm only a guest. I hope that I can get my claws on that hybrid. She seemed... interesting. I didn't think of her as weird. She was more beautiful. IceMoon steered herself from the SandWing princess's thoughts with a disturbed face. Suddenly Starflight grabbed her shoulder and pointed at a large birdcage hung over the center of the space. It was held aloft by wires like the ones on the prisoners' legs strung between tall poles on either side of the plateau. Occasionally a dragon or two would fly up and circle the cage peering in and then fly back down to the floor.

Crouched inside the cage with her wings over her head was Sunny. Her golden scales growled fully in the firelight as if she were just another piece of treasure.

"Stop," Clay whispered as IceMoon stared forward. "I know. I want to get her, too."

Don't do it, IceMoon, a voice called in the hybrid's head, and she sighed as she turned to her friends, not sparing the agent a single thought, "but she's all alone," she whispered. If only Sunny knew they were there not too far away. IceMoon stretched a little farther out, looking for Glory, but she couldn't see her. Perhaps Scarlet was hiding her from Burn. But, don't worry, little hybrid. Soon you will be reunited, the same voice from before soothed in her head. Who are you? IceMoon asked, now finally sparing this mysterious voice a thought.

Litte one, I can't tell you, yet, the voice rumbled as if it was laughing, but soon I promise, the agent then faded away, and IceMoon was brought back to reality by Peril's voice "crouch low and run, and hopefully they won't spot us" she said. Tsunami was sent darting across first, and the others followed one at a time. IceMoon found her glad that she had dark scales that melted into the shadows. They huddled aorund the next bend waiting for Peril.

"Sorry," she said when she caught up a few moments later, "I had to wait for the queen to look away" from here, the tunnel branched in several directions. Peril took one leading down under the cliff where the feast was. The Tory he's were spaced father alert as they went along, so the tunnel grew darker and darker. Soon IceMoon could hear roaring up ahead, and this time she knew it was a waterfall. Finally, they emerged on a narrow ridge halfway up a tall craggy cliff. They could see straight down to a glittering winding river far below the moon's light.

The waterfall pounded ahead of them loud and fierce, and the wind carried bursts of cold spray into their faces. Starflight pressed himself against the cliff "are you sure you don't want to unbind our wings now?" He said, closing his eyes "you'll be fine," Peril said "it's easy to climb down from here. I've done it when my wings are towed. See? The cave's right there" IceMoon peeked over the edge and saw a gap in the cliff far below like a tiny gash in the wall behind the waterfall. It was a journey she'd prefer to do with functioning wings. But if they had to keep Peril happy...

"I see some claw holds," Clay spoke up, "and we can rest on that boulder halfway—" he stopped. Over the roaring of the waterfall, he could hear wing beats. IceMoon heard it too. Someone was coming.

"Everybody run," Tsunami said, but then an all too familiar voice called out, "I don't think so" IceMoon and the others turned slowly and saw the Skywing queen descending from the cliff above her bejeweled wings spread wide "thank you Peril," the queen said nastily. Thank you, Peril? IceMoon thought, and her eyes hardened. "You may be excused" Peril gave the hybrid an agonized look and fled up the tunnel. Queen Scarlet smiled at the dragonets as Skywing soldiers began to rain from the sky "going somewhere?"

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄: The dragonet of two tribes | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now