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IceMoon didn't want Peril and Queen Scarlet to know Starflight was powerless, but she didn't want them to risk Starflight's life because they thought he could do something special. She could, and that was enough that she would risk her life. "They're a little unpredictable," she hazarded "we're not fully grown, you know. We're still both learning how to use them. Although, of course, they're terrifying when they worked." IceMoon hoped that the Skywings had no more information about Nightwings poets than Starflights scrolls did.

"Oh," Peril said, "that makes sense for both of you" her tail twitched over her talons as she thought. IceMoon tried to slide a bit closer to the edge away from Peril's blistering heat "all right," Peril said finally, "I'll try" IceMoon nodded at her "thank you," she said. The Skywing spread her wings to fly away and then hesitated to look at her "you wouldn't do that, would you?" IceMoon widened her eyes in surprise as she saw the meaning in Peril's thought, but she acted as if she didn't understand.

"Kill yourself like that," The Skywing explained. "The way Horzion did," she coughed, and a small ring of smoke puffed out of her snout. IceMoon had no idea what she would do if she ever had to fight Peril. It sounded even more terrifying than swimming down the underground river and being part IceWing; that wasn't enjoyable. IceMoon met Peril's eerie blue eyes, matching her own. But IceMoon had deeper blue and was not so striking. She then realized that Peril looked very worried. Is she okay? I hope so... and that I didn't scare her, the skywing's thought rambled...

"I don't think I will," IceMoon said after a while, truthfully. She couldn't imagine herself choosing to die that way. And she didn't think that she was brave enough to do that either "oh good," Peril said, "I'd rather kill you fair and square. Well, good night" she leaped up into the air and heated her wings, sending a wave of heat over IceMoon's cold scales.

But somehow, she didn't think so. Was Peril about the hybrid's true nature? If she'd been raised like the Skywing, killing dragons and feeding the monster inside her, maybe she'd be less worried all the time. The same with Clay. Perhaps she needed to accept that part of her as Peril had. But would her friends still like her? Would she be more or less worthy of the prophecy that way? One thing was for sure. Whenever she did end up in the arena, she'd find out how she felt about killing pretty fast.

The Next morning, three blood-red Skywing guards arrived to unchain IceMoon "what's happening?" She asked nervously as they unclipped the wiers around her legs. She'd gotten used to the feeling that something would catch her if she fell, even if it would probably hurt. It's a shame that this pretty hybrid would die sooner or later, she suddenly heard from one of the Skywings, and she frowned. Why did he think it was a shame? Why would he care? But she shook her head and restrained all she could from reading any of their minds.

IceMoon glanced over the edge and gritted her teeth. So far, it seemed to her that most Skywings were just as grumpy as Kestrel. She realized that she'd forgotten to worry about Kestrel with a start. The queen had talked to her as if they once knew each other. IceMoon craned her neck, looking for Kestrel among the prisoners as the guards flew her down to the arena. But none of the red or orange Skywings on the spires were quite the right color or size. She noticed with a shiver of fear that Starflights Peru was empty. She searched for him with her mind but couldn't find him.

He must have been taken away while IceMoon was sleeping — but why?

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄: The dragonet of two tribes | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now