Chapter Thirty-Three: Control The Storm

Start from the beginning

"That is why magic and mundanes can never mix when we can help it," Krinos said. "The Salem Witch trials were bad enough. But, there have always been cases of magical beings being treated badly simply because they were magical. There is a special children's department at the Magic Council that works to make sure that magical children are safe. There are over a dozen cases a year about magical children being abused by their families. Most of them are first-generation mages. Their mundane parents see their powers as the 'devil's work' so they try and get rid of their magic. Through beatings, starvation, and even exorcisms. It's horrible what happens to these children just because they have magic."

"I...I can actually understand that more than you would think," Harry says. "My mundane relatives are horrible people that believe that magic is wrong. They refer to all of us..."

"As freaks," Krinos guessed.

Harry nodded. "Yeah. How did you know?"

"When you summoned that lightning bolt, it was only after that bossy girl called my cousin a 'lying freak," Krinos explained. "Only someone that already has had a bad history with that word would react in that way."

"I don't really like talking about them," Harry could not meet Krinos's eye. "I normally just talk about how much I hate them and how they hate magic. I don't like saying anything more."

"And you don't have to say anything if you do not want to," Krinos put a hand on his shoulder. "Harry, I am not going to press for information that you would rather keep to yourself. If you want to tell me, then you will. And if you don't want to, I am fine with that as well."

Harry was very thankful for how Krinos would not press him for information. He never was able to meet anyone like that before he met Sirius. Fred and George never pressed him for anything, but they already knew about his home life. And yet when it came to so many other people in his life, they were always trying to pry into his business. They actually believe that just because he is their precious "Boy-Who-Lived," they have the right to know everything about him. It really drove him crazy.

"Thanks, Krinos," Harry smiled at him.

"Anytime," Krinos smiled back at him. "Also, I have now discovered what sadness does to your powers."

Krinos pointed at the cloud that Harry still had in front of them. But instead of thunder and lightning, snow was coming from the cloud. It showed that Harry's emotions really did greatly affect his powers. Harry tilted his head to the side, intrigued by his own powers.

"I am both shocked that I made snow and relieved that I did not lose control while we had been talking," he said.

"I think that is because you have been using magic for the past few years even if it was not your mystic soul magic," Krinos guessed. "Those that already have a basic understanding of magic usually have subconscious control over their powers. Your powers had been blocked before, which was why you had such extreme bursts of emotional mystic soul magic before. But now that your powers have been unblocked..."

"I am able to have easier control of them," Harry was able to finish Krinos's sentence.

"Exactly," Krinos smiled at him. "You are definitely going to do well in Power Control class."

Harry smiled as he then looked at his cloud. it was still snowing, but not as bad as it had been before when Krinos had pointed out what his emotions had caused. A small pile of snow had still managed to be made even from the short time that snow had been coming from the cloud. Harry wondered if he could maybe try to make it snow more on purpose. After all, he was supposed to be learning to control his powers.

So, he focused on the cloud as he tried to make it snow more. He also kept in mind that Krinos told him not to rely on his negative emotions since that could cause him to lose control of his magic. He needed to make sure that he would be able to use his magic when he wanted to and not when his emotions wanted him to. So, he stared at the cloud as he tried to will more snow to fall.

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