Attic Flower

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It remains alone

In my attic


But it's there.

A single flower

Pressed and dry

Is waiting in my attic.

It's a simple white flower

With a dark green stem

Not over-petaled like a carnation

Not as simple as a daisy

Somewhere in the middle

I don't know who preserved it

To keep it forever

But I like to think it was someone

I used to know

But don't anymore

I keep the flower

Crumbly as it is

Because it reminds me of that person I've forgotten

And makes me long for the days I knew that person

The one who gave me this

And I like to think that it

Will remain a long time 

After I'm gone

But I know that cannot be

It will fade to dust with me.

But as long as both I and it are here

It remains a bit of frozen time,

A letter sent from days long past

When I once knew someone

But don't anymore.

Attic flowerWhere stories live. Discover now