In Pursuit of Happiness - 15

Start from the beginning

She would always pull away quickly. However, there was a time when Park Dae-sik surprised her in the golf course and saw what looked like Kim Seon-woo and Cha Mi-jo holding hands. Mi-jo quickly clarified that it was nothing, but with everything that Dae-sik observed, he felt like they needed to finally discuss her ex-fiance's presence.

Cha Mi-jo's hands shook as she opened the door, expecting to find a distraught little boy. How could she do this? She was a bad mother, she thought.

But, as the door revealed the living room, she saw Hoon laughing as he was tickled by the man he now recognized as his father. "Hi Eomma!"

Hoon's smile, showing no resentment that his mother had forgotten to pick him up, broke her heart even more. She didn't deserve this sweet little boy. "Hoonie! I'm so sorry. I'm sorry Eomma missed the pick up at school."

Hoon nodded and hugged her. "My heart didn't feel great, Eomma, but Appa 'splained to me how important your work is. Thank you for putting Appa in the list of people who could pick me up! Appa said it's a very important list and we should thank you for making sure only good people fetch me."

Cha Mi-jo met Park Dae-sik's eyes over Hoon's shoulder and Dae-sik could tell she was troubled. Tapping Hoon, Dae-sik asked, "Buddy, can you change your clothes? Eomma and I have to talk for a little bit, okay?"

"Okay, Appa!" Kissing Mi-jo's cheek, Hoon bounded away chanting, "Appa and Eomma are home! Weeeeee!"

Cha Mi-jo sat frozen on her couch.

"Mi-jo?" Dae-sik called out gently. "Mi-jo? It's okay. I was free to pick up Hoon. It all worked out."

"I don't think I can do this, Dae-sik," Mi-jo started off, quietly, tears starting to fall down her face. "I don't think I can do this."

"What do you mean, Cha Mi-jo?"

Cha Mi-jo stared at his handsome face. "Maybe we need a break."

Her words made Dae-sik feel like she had stabbed him because it was so unexpected and something he did not want to happen in spite of the tension of the past weeks. However, he knew that this was not a moment to let his emotions rule the situation. "Can you tell me what's on your mind?"

"I feel like my whole world is spinning. There's so much work and then my responsibilities to Hoon. And I'm a terrible friend to Joo Hee because I only call her when I need her to baby sit. I haven't visited my parents in weeks. I'm missing dates with you and I'm asking you to move to a desk job away from a job you love! Then, Kim Seon-woo's presence is messing everything!" Cha Mi-jo rambled. "This is too much! Too much!"

Mi-jo paced around the room as she talked and Dae-sik let her. When he felt she was done, he approached, took her hand and stroked away the stray hairs from her face. Appreciating the effort she took to tell him, he told her, "Thank you for telling me. Are you willing to hear me out or are you not ready to talk?"

Exhaling, Cha Mi-jo looked at him. "I don't know, Dae-sik. I don't know!"

Cupping her face, he asked her, "Breathe, Mi-jo. Take a deep breath."

It took a few moments but Cha Mi-jo started breathing and could feel her body relax a little. Pulling her to the dining room, he took out a pad of paper and a pencil then started listing down everything she told him.

"First, work," he stated. "I don't know how to be a dermatologist but I know that most companies have their bosses delegate work. Would Cha Mi-hyun-ssi be able to help you would some of the tasks?"

"Yes," Mi-jo said. "But there's still the work that only a doctor could do."

"And hiring another doctor is out of the question?"

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