Chapter Seven: Sleepover

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Your mom pulls out of Sunoo's driveway and you guys arrive back at your house. Your mom orders pizza and you guys eat. After dinner you and Sunoo head upstairs. You lock the door after you guys both walk in your room.
Sunoo: So this is your room. How neat!
Y/N: Thanks! I'm glad we got up before my mom walked in! Phew! That was scary.
Sunoo: Yeah, but I enjoyed cuddling you!
You blush and get really flustered.
Y/N: Haha it was really nice! Maybe we can do it again when we sleep? I don't want you to sleep on the floor.
Sunoo also starts to blush and get flustered. He's excited to cuddle you again.
Sunoo: Can we do it now?
Y/N: haha no the sleepover hasn't even begun!!
You take your pillow and smack Sunoo with it. Soon, you guys have a pillow fight and scream and laugh. Your mom tries to open your door but it's locked.
Mom: Open up Y/N!
Y/N: Shit! Sorry mom.
You open the door for your mom.
Mom: Please keep it down. It's getting really late. You can lock your door as soon as I leave but please do not make me walk in here again.
Y/N: Okay mom we'll try.
Your mom walks out and you lock the door again. You and Sunoo laugh at what just happened. You guys play games first with a deck of Uno cards.
Y/N: haha lost again! *You laugh as you say it*
Sunoo: Damn it you're good as hell. Rematch!
Y/N: You said that the last 5 times. I already won. Accept your defeat.
Sunoo: Fine! Let's watch a movie and eat snacks.
Y/N: Sure! I'm picking this time though!
Soon enough you guys watch movies and eat snacks. Then you both brush your teeth and lay on the bed together.
Sunoo: I've never had such a fun night before.
Y/N: Me too! I'm so glad you're here with me.
Sunoo: Awe, im also glad i'm here.
Y/N: I've also thought about it. Will you be my boyfriend?
Sunoo: Yes! Yes! Yes! Im happy to finally be your boyfriend.
Y/N: Me too baby.
You guys make out with each other and cuddle closer with each other. You look at Sunoo and he looks at you. You kiss his cheek goodnight.
Y/N: Goodnight baby.
Sunoo: Goodnight.
The next morning you wake up to see Sunoo getting dressed. You get up and hug him from behind. You kiss his head and hug him tightly.
Y/N: Morning baby boy
Sunoo: Morning baby. I have to go soon.
Y/N: Awe that sucks. I'll see you on Monday though.
Sunoo: Yeah for sure!
You guys both finish getting dressed and go downstairs for breakfast. Your mom greets you both good morning and you both sit and eat your eggs and bacon.
Sunoo: Thanks Y/N's mom it was yummy!
Y/N's Mom: Thank you! Are you almost ready to go?
Sunoo: Yeah! let me get my stuff.
You follow Sunoo back upstairs. He grabs his stuff but before he can you pull him in for a kiss.
Y/N: I love you baby. I don't want you to go.
Sunoo: Awe, I love you too! You'll see me on Monday.
He starts to make out with you one last time. He kissed your cheek and hugged you. You guys then go downstairs and get in the car so your mom can take him home. You guys arrive in his driveway. He gets out the car and you guys hug once again. He waves you goodbye and you wave back. You and your mom drive back home. You tell your mom that you and Sunoo are dating on the way back home.
Mom: What? i'm so happy for you! i knew this was gonna happen
Y/N: Haha yeah thanks mom!
You and your mom arrive home and you go upstairs and lay in bed. You start to think about Sunoo and fall asleep for hours.
To be continued.

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