Anya's Explorations

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Anya woke up in the early morning, before the hotel came fully alive with the daily activities. No one knew this, but Anya actually was awake before everyone on most mornings. Not long after Anya moved in to the hotel, she'd taught herself to wake up early so she could explore her new home on her own. Despite being so young and small, Anya was as sharp as a tack, and knew the whole place like the back of her hand.

As Anya tiptoed towards the door, she caught sight of Alastor snuggled up to Angel Dust, and smiled, glad to see both of her Papa's together. Anya slipped out of the door and began her exploring for the morning. She'd explored most of the hotel within her first two months staying there, but she had uncovered many interesting things during those couple of months.

Doing her best to stay as quiet as possible, Anya tiptoed down the stairs, made it to floor ten, and found the unfinished room she'd been looking for. Anya thought of this place as her own hideaway, her fortress of Anya. No one seemed to know this room was even here, and that's the way Anya liked it. The wood, tools, and other building materials offered Anya everything she needed to play whatever game her imagination came up with.

Anya could be a princess in her very own palace, or a hero saving the world from an evil nightmare monster. If Anya wanted to be something other than a demon, then she could be. After hearing all of the stories from her dads, Anya's imagination was so full of the world topside. She wondered what everything looked like, and like to pretend she was there. Here in this unfinished room, Anya could be absolutely anywhere she wanted to be.

Peeking through the window, Anya could see the city that never slept. The Pride Ring was always bustling, even late at night. Anya didn't pay the city much attention, but instead looked at the red sky. Letting out a long sigh, the little girl thought of her biggest dream.

"I wish I could see the world out there..."

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