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After XGaster overwrote this timeline again, everything went different.

He forgot what happened, everyone forgot what happened even the XEvents.

Chara, Frisk and Cross was so disturbed by the feeling they thought they forgot something is very important to them.

They always try to remember what is this very very important thing but they always failed to learn.

Writers Note
Guys this au is like deltarune, everyone doesn't remember about what happened nor who the others are. Just The XEvents have the lost memories.

A loud crash sound spread all over the room.


Frisk woke up by the noise his brother made.

"Chara calm down--"


"I do remember something... It's about a monster... A monster I loved so much more than a friend!"

He sighed and calmed a little as his brother says this.

"Well... Can you fucking remember who they are?"

"I-I don't but I feel they're really important to me!!"

"At least you have that feeling. I'm sure you will find them soon."

"I hope."

Then they both countine their sleep or so Chara thought...

Frisk's eyes were open and he was thinking about that monster.

Who would they could be? Why they're so important to him?

He falled asleep as he thinks about that monster.

Later that night they woke up.

After a long time passed they were going to their school again today with their goat brother Asriel.

They were so excited for the first day of the school and Frisk thought about that monster again.

"I hope I will find them today."

They get to the school and socialize a little.

The others realized Frisk was being so weird and they decide to ask him.

"Uhm- Frisk why you're being so weird? I know this is the first day of school but you're in second grade and we are your friends! You can tell us if something is wrong!"

Frisk sighed and tremble a little.

"W-Well sorry I was just thinking being a little nervous I guess? Haha"

He laughed a little and the bell rang then they get into their classrooms.

"Okey guys we have a new student!!"

"Say hello to Papyrus!!"

Everyone said hello.

"Okey Papyrus you can sit there!"

The teacher showed the empty seat in front of Chara and Frisk.

Chara whispered to Frisk's ear.

"I don't know why but I kinda remember this guy."

Frisk noded as he speaks.

"Same bro same."

Chara started a conversation with Papyrus to find some clues why he feels like he knows him and Frisk joined him too.

After a long talk and some warnings from teacher the class finally ends.

"You're such a good friends! Nyehehe!!"

"I want you to meet with my brother!"


Frisk had a weird and a sweet pain in his heart that he don't know where it came from.


"Oh, here he comes!!"

"Cross say hi to my new friends!!"

He looked at Chara.


Then he looked at Frisk.

"As you can see he is Chara and he is Frisk!! They're brothers like us!!"

Frisk's eyes opened suddenly as he saws Cross.

Frisk and Cross eyes got a connect and they lost theirselves in each others eyes.

Chara and Papyrus realized them staring each other.

Chara poked his brother with his elbow as he closes his eyes.

"Frisk are you even listening?!?"

"Ouch- Sorry, sorry!!"

"Hi Cross!!"

"Hi Frisk..."

(I gaved this name to him-)

(He gaved me this name...)

They smiled so anxious.


Then they go to the cafetaria to hang out a little and then when the classes are over, they hang out another place.

Asriel leaved early because he was so tired.

When Chara and Papy were talking Frisk and Cross were straing deep down into their eyes.

"Frisk are you two alright?"


"You don't seem well Frisk!"

"Nah, I'm okey Papy."

"Frisk I think you and Cross should rest a little."

Chara said it then grabbed Frisk.

"Sorry for that but I think he is a little sick so we can meet tomorrow!!"


Papyrus grabbed Cross and they both went to their home.

Chara pushed his brother to his bed.


"C-Chara... I remembered..."

"Wait... ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?"

"Yes... Listen to me."

Frisk explained everything to his brother.

"Now I can finally remember... I can finally remember all the traumas we had pass through... AND I CAN FINALLY REMEMBER WHO DID THIS TO US!!"

Frisk put his hand to his brothers shoulder.

"Chara first calm down. We will make sure he will pay for this and second don't get mad but after all we pass through... I still love him."

Chara sighed and he hugged his brother.

"It's okey Frisk, I know I don't know anything about love but be sure I know how you feel so it's okey I'm not going to stop you."

Frisk started to cry and he hugged his brother too.

"You're the best brother!!"

"Nah, you're the best!!"

They go through a little funny fight through this and they both fall asleep after that.

GHAĞAĞAĞAĞAĞA I JUST- CAAAAN'T THEY WERE TOO CUTEEEEEE But Nevermind Here Goes The First Chapter And Yeah This Book Won't Have So Many Fight Scenes Like My Other
Book It's Just My XTale Au
And This Is Because I Wanted To
Make A Soft Story For Them
And Here It Goes ✨✨

See You Soon In The Next Chapter Babygurls~

Why Don't We Remember? - XFrans (My Au)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora