A Unexpected Surprise

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Dawn POV

I was in shock, Regina was back, her skin and hair looking much younger than last time, and now the entire wedding was ruined... I looked at Jack who was glaring at Regina as he sighed. "Great. Of all days, this one?!" Regina cackled and made my spine shiver as she stepped closer to us, she dropped something shiny, and then the triplets tried to attack but they were turned into three wooden statues. "Everyone! Quickly! Run!!!" It was the last thing that I said to most of the people I knew...

After the damage was done, I and Jack came out of our hiding place in a closet. "Do you think everyone is alright..?" Jack turned to me and shook his head softly, "she's grown more powerful...there's no way to tell if they are or not..." Just then Snow White and Merlin both ran at us, "Dawn- you need to come to see this..." "oh no..." Snow White led me back to the ceremony hall and I couldn't believe what I saw... My father, mother, Annabella, the triplets, Red Riding Hood, and King White were all turned into wooden statues. Arthur was sobbing as he was hugged Red's statue. 

"We need to stop her, again," Merlin said with a face of pure anger. Snow was in tears as she looked around, friends and family were all wooden. "Pino...Noki...Kio..." I looked up at Jack as he said their names. "Jack, we'll help them,  I promise..." Arthur stood up and nodded, "Me and Hans will help you all as well, I promised that I would protect Red, and I will." Hans gathered up his things and nodded, "I hate to see my food go to waste but, I am willing to stop Regina once again-!"

I sat down on the steps that led to the altar and looked at my parents, my eyes filling with tears. "Jack...what if we can't do anything?" I saw as my technically now-husband sat down while wrapping his arms around me. "Do not worry Dawn, if anyone can stop her, it's us. Now, we need to find Rowan."

Searching through the castle that was once full of life, I stopped at the opened door of my past bedroom. When I peeked inside I saw Rowan, "Rowan! There you are!" I watched him set something down as he looked up at me, "Oh Dawn...your eyes are such a gorgeous blue...a shame that you picked Jack over me, isn't it?" I stepped back in fear, "Rowan, what do you mean??" He walked closer to me and grinned, "Dawn....don't you see I love you? You should have picked me over Jack! I'm the older one, I was the one who helped you the most, and yet, I was left alone, thrown to the wind like a piece of filth!"

My face stung as he hit me, "Rowan-! I-" I saw his face distort into Regina's. "REGINA!" Jack was in the doorway, "JACK!" I looked to the doorway as Regina slammed the door closed with her magic. "Now that our interruption is gone....shall we?" I struggled against her as she grabbed me, disappearing and then reappearing in her house. I wouldn't even call it a house, more like a shack.

Beauty is Only Skin Deep (Jack x OC fanfic) OLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora