A Plee to Help

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Hans woke up and walked into the living room where Jack was silently sitting, looking pale and awful while staring at the book he read last night as it mockingly sat on the table in front of him. "What is it this time, Jack?" Jack shook his head, keeping quiet while his head was in his hands. Pino, Noki, and Kio came out of their rooms and giggled, "Do you think Dawn will like this?" "I don't know but maybe!" "It's beautiful for a beast!" "It's just a blanket..." "But a cute one nonetheless!" Hans shook his head at the three and sighed, "keep it down! Jack looks like he's been through a cave of monsters! Please, tell us what happened!"

Jack looked up at the 4 and sighed, "she's gone. Dawn left with Spot this morning...she called us the monsters." Hans sighed while Arthur, who was overhearing the 5 yelled out, "Us!? The monsters!? She's the one who looks like a bigfoot!" The triplets jumped at Arthur's voice and then they turned to him, "not really-" "She kind of looks nice without the fur, right?" "We can't tell since she has the hood of hers up all the time..." "Right? We don't even know her eye color-" "Or hair for that matter!"

Arthur disregarded the three and glared at Jack, "we can't keep beasts around, we need to find a way to break our curses, and having that thing around will only push the women away!" Jack nodded regretfully but ultimately agreed with Arthur and his point. "You're right... She may have been my friend for...one day. But, I do need to let her go and leave her to break her curse. Even if that means she'll die in a year..." He looked up at the five with a fake sad face, knowing they'd never really put someone in death's way.

Pino looked at his brothers and frowned, "maybe leaving her isn't a great idea-" Hans scratched his head and Arthur sighed, knowing that Jack was influencing and forcing them to help. Merlin on the other hand just walked in. "What are you all moping around about?" Arthur looked at Merlin and groaned, "Jack is being all manipulative again- his fake sad puppy dog eyes are making us all second guess ourselves about not going after the girl-" Merlin was confused, "Wait...you mean to say that the beast left?" Jack nodded sadly, "she did and as I said before, she'll die in a year if her curse isn't broken." Merlin rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of what to do, "oh alright. Fine. I guess we could help out but...I'm not it."

Jack smirked knowing what Merlin meant and shook his head, "alright, is there anyone else who isn't it?" He lifted up the book and shook it. Arthur immediately said that he wasn't followed by Hans. Jack looked at the triplets who were confused. "Have you even read her mother's book?" They shook their heads in unison and Jack pinched the inner part of both of his eyes, sighing in disbelief. "In the end, Dawn's mother and father fall in love and it breaks her father's curse. So, would any of you be willing to fall in love and break not only your curse but hers as well?" The three thought about it and then nodded in unison. "Oh- You all three would be?" Hans was in incredulity, unable to process the three and their stupid minds.

As the seven got ready to search for Dawn, knowing she couldn't have gone very far, she was doing a little searching of her own.

Dawn reached a point where she was outside of a town, the people there were already staring at her because of her cloak so she decided not to enter the town. That is until she saw a friendly pottery saleswoman, who looked wise with her years. Dawn carefully approached the lady and spoke, "hello miss...I'm looking for a place to stay...I have nowhere to go, you see..." The woman smiled and nodded, "oh alright, but what's your name dear?" Dawn thought about it for a while and then smiled, pulling her hood down, "Dawn. My name is Dawn." "What a lovely name for such a nice girl...my name is Rose. Come, come on inside..." The woman closed up her shop and brought Dawn into her house. "Now, Miss Dawn...I have one room that you can occupy it's upstairs and the first door to your left, my room is right across from it. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask..."

Dawn thanked the old woman and went upstairs to the room she would stay in for the next few months.

Beauty is Only Skin Deep (Jack x OC fanfic) OLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant