A Surprise Meeting

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As Dawn started picking the fruit and veggies from the two gardens she heard voices coming from the nearby house, she ran back to the cave and hid there, feasting on what she had managed to pick up, leaving a lot of the fields behind. The 7 little green men looked around and noticed some of their food missing. "What is the meaning of this? Did one of you take my crops?" Said one with red hair and the others shook their heads. Three of them who looked the same looked and saw one of Dawn's beastly footprints in the dirt, "whoa- whoa- Look!" "Footprints!" "Big feet!" "I think you mean Bigfoot!" The three of them started laughing as another inspected the footprints. Dawn felt relief that she didn't track them to her cave.

A few days went by, and the same thing happened every single day. Eventually, the three triplets set up traps, which Dawn avoided. One morning, however, she overslept and woke up after the dwarfs did. "Damn it...I'm sorry Spot...I guess we won't be eating today." The pig looked at Dawn and snorted which cause Dawn to laugh to herself. Spot walked out of the cave, even after Dawn protested. "Spot- Wait! They can't see you-" She unknowingly walked out of the cave after Spot and picked him up. The 7 dwarfs looked at Dawn and screamed, she looked at them and they stopped screaming, her face barely being shown from under the cloth. "Uh oh..."

"Excuse me but...are you the one taking our vegetables and fruits?" Said the buff-looking one. She nodded and apologized. The blonde one shook his head and smiled, "no need to apologize, just...take off your hood please..." Dawn did and sighed, knowing the 7 would freak out, but surprisingly her beast form wore off that night, and she felt relieved. "You are beautiful-!" Dawn shook her head, "I'm really not- I promise..." The seven men shook their heads and laughed, "That's preposterous! You are very beautiful...and very familiar-" The blonde dwarf was cut off by the three triplets, "You look like a princess!" "Royalty!" "Yes, maybe even a beautiful mermaid!"

Dawn shook her head and backed away from the men, "I apologize again for my behavior...I have been camping out in your nearby cave and taking your food..." She scratched her head and looked at the giant footprints her beast form made. The black-haired one wearing blue noticed this and put two and two together. "You're- a beast?" Dawn stepped back again, this time frightened, "I- I'm sorry- I have to leave-!" She then put her hood back up as her nerves made her beast physique come back. 

"Oh, my-" the blonde dwarf said as he ran up to her and grabbed her cloak. "Please...stay..." Dawn couldn't believe what she heard, "What-? Do you want me? A beast to stay with you?" The blondie nodded and grinned, the others were in shock and protested. "She ate our food! Besides, she is a beast in disguise!" The blonde dwarf ignored his friends and introduced himself, "I'm Jack, and these guys are Merlin, Arthur, Hans, Pino, Noki, and Kio." The only ones that didn't protest were the triplets, in fact, they seemed indifferent and infatuated yet they didn't care. "They seem...nice...wait- your name is Jack? That name...it reminds me of an old friend I used to have...he gave me little Spot here...the runt of his litter."

Jack looked down at the pig and winced in disgust, "oh- a pig-" He looked closely at the pig after spotting the ring around its eye and then looked back up at Dawn. "You wouldn't happen to know a Princess named Dawn? Would you?" She hesitated to say that she was Dawn but ultimately did, "I am Princess Dawn..." Jack stepped back and then showed her the mirror he had and grinned, "this is your mirror right?" Dawn jumped up and down in excitement, "Right yes!! That was my mirror! But...what happened to y- oh my god." Her face dropped.

"What is it?" Dawn looked at the seven and remembered the fairy princess she met those few days ago and winced, "you guys were the ones who...attacked that fairy princess...weren't you?" Jack's face fell and he bit his lip in regret, "so you saw that...haha...yeah..." Merlin stood outward and huffed, "can you blame us? She looked like a horrible witch! She couldn't have been an actual Princess!!" Dawn groaned, "you guys are disgusting..." Jack winced at her words and shook his head, "I promise we aren't all like Merlin haha..." Dawn glared at Jack and shook her head, "right..." Pino, Noki, and Kio all three grabbed Dawn's hands and led her over to the pens they had outside.

"I guess because I look like an animal, I will be treated like one..." Merlin laughed and agreed, "Yep! Just as long as you're in this form at least-" Dawn turned to the green man and glared, "you're lucky I have standards when it comes to breakfast." Arthur laughed and Merlin stomped on his foot. The seven went inside of their house as Dawn sat down in the pen they assigned her. "I guess we can stay here for a day or two Spot...these 7...are gross. I can't believe how much Jack has changed...he used to be so sweet..."

Jack overheard Dawn talking to Spot and sighed as he walked back into the house. "Guys, I want you to stop being so harsh to my friend!" Merlin scoffed and shook his head, "she is a beast! How can you expect us to not be afraid of what she'll do!" "You weren't as rude whenever you first saw her as a normal girl!" The other 6 shut up and agreed silently with Jack. He scoffed, "so you all agree that you were being very rude to her?" Arthur nodded and played with his thumbs. The triplets all nodded at the same time. "We're-" "very-" "sorry!" Hans went into their kitchen in order to prepare something to apologize to Dawn with. Merlin looked back at Jack and tapped his shoulder, "how did you two meet anyway..?"

Jack rotated towards Merlin and smiled solemnly, "she's the reason I'm a prince now..." Merlin thought of the grosser of the two explanations and cringed, "No no! I didn't mean it like that! She just...gave me and my mother enough money to raise to power- that's all!" Merlin winced and nodded, "right..."

Beauty is Only Skin Deep (Jack x OC fanfic) OLDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें