Chapter 5 : Sweet Revenge

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Human POV:

I wake up to see Ghost fox leaning against the wall and I stand up and walk over to them and ask them,

"Hey Ghost fox what's up and why am I in your room?"(Y/N)

Ghost fox turns dark blue after seeing me and then I ask,

"Are you feeling OK you look a bit blue?"(Y/N)

Ghost fox then replies saying "Well I woke up before you and I realised that we slept together and it was my fault because I was so tired and I couldn't think straight"(Ghost Fox)

I turn red after hearing the story my head is spinning with thoughts like

"How was I not awake by then?" But that did not matter I gained My thoughts before 

asking "Hey do you want to get some food I'm starving?"(Y/N)

"Shure why not" Ghost Fox says, so we both leave the room.

Time skip(1 week)

Feizao POV:

"God why did Y/N have to be there they have just taken the most important thing from me UGH!! GOD!!!"(Feizao)

"Feizao are you OK in there?"(Fashui)

It was Fashui I had to make up a response "Yea I'm ok!"

"Ok then...."(Fashui)

 Then they leave how do I get rid of Y/N so I can have Ghost fox all to my self oh! I've got an idea! But how am I going to separate them ........

Well that could work I bolt out of my room and run over to Ghost fox and Y/N 

Ghost fox asks me "Hey Feizao you seem excited, what has gotten into you?"

"Oh there is another human that just arrived and I thought that Y/N wanted to introduce themselves to them"(Feizao)

Y/N looks at me concerned but eventually agrees to follow Ghost fox stays put and waits for Y/N's return but little did he know they are not returning we wander to the cafe and I point to the storage room and says "They are in there"

"Why are they in there?"(Y/N)

"T-they got l-lost and I told them that I would bring someone else to help them" Y/N looks at me now looking nervous but says "OK I trust you"

Y/N enter there grave and I enter shortly after and I block the door

"Hey Feizao I can't see the human are you sure they are in here?"(Y/N)

I can't help but laugh as I explain "You took Ghost fox away from me so I'll take your life from you!"

I lunge at Y/N and I start to beat them to a pulp and they try to scream, pathetic I cover there mouth with my paw and I continue to beat them until they stop resisting and I get up and leave.

Sprinkle kit POV:

I see Feizao running out of the storage room laughing and I enter the room and I immediately realise that something is not right and then I notice a blood splatters so I follow the trail until I reach its source and I almost throw up as what I see is horrifying I yell for help as Fashui enters and sees the mess as well and I yell

"Go and get a medkit now!!!"(Sprinkle Kit)

"Right" Fashui then leaves in a hurry

Fashui POV:

I run and get a medkit and run back as fast as I can and I start treating there wounds and I notice a goo splatters that looks like Feizao's but why would they do something like this there are marks on their neck and it looks like a sign of a struggle, I point it out to Sprinkle kit and she then notice it as well and after tending to Y/N's wounds I pick up there body and I carry them to the garden because that where I saw Ghost Fox last and once I arrived there.

Ghost Fox POV:

I see Fashui enter with someone in their arms I ask what they have in their arms and what I saw I almost went into a fury I saw Y/N beaten but still alive I turn quickly to Feizao and ask

"Why is Y/N like this!?"(Ghost Fox)

"I-I-I don't know last time I saw them is when they left the storage room with the other human! I swear!"(Feizao)Then Fashui then says "Hey Ghost Fox you need to see this look there is goo on Y/N's neck see"

It was Feizao's goo I look at them this time I was sparking electricity

"WHAT DID YOU DO AFTER YOU LEFT FEIZAO!!!" They then start to stand up and I was not having that so I shocked them to sit them back down

"WHAT HAPPENED FEIZAO!!!"(Ghost Fox)"I-I-I was lying I-" I was not having this any more so I punch Feizao as hard as I could before taking Y/N out of Fashui's arms and I carry them to their room and I was crying as I was doing it but why would Feizao do something like this to someone as pure as Y/N just why?

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