Chapter 3 : New Friends And New Enemies Story board

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time skip(1 day)

human pov:

ghost fox and human walking to cafeteria after a blackout

Hear Hazzy shout "I'm over hear"

ghost fox encounters Hazzy. catte. Feizao

catte clung to Hazzy

hazzy tries to shake catte off

hazzy asks feizao and Ghost fox for help

hazzy with the help of feizao and ghost fox gets catte off

feizao noticed a human behind ghost fox

feizao calls out human

hazzy and catte also notice human

feizao, hazzy, and catte introduce themself to human

human introduce themself to feizao, hazzy and catte

all sit at a tables

*caf layout*

ghost fox and y/n chatting

did you know human that sprinkle kit runs the cafeteria

sprinkle kit brings each of the kaiju's favorite food

Feizao POV:

Jealous stare at human

ghost fox pov:

ghost fox notices jealous face

ghost fox asks feizao if they are okay

feizao stutters but says they are okay

inner thoughts with ghost fox(feizao acting weird)

human pov:

Human notice the jealous face of feizao

human realise why feizao jealous

human gets flustered and embarrassed cause they are only friends

ghost fox asks y/n why so flustered

y/n doesn't respond and walks out

ghost fox pov:

thinks y/n is acting weird so follows

finds y/n on the ground having panic

talking to themself about feizao thinking they like ghost fox

say ghost fox is kinda cute

ghost foxs turns full dark blue

ghost fox goes back into the cafeteria

ghost fox sits back down (where they were)

hazzy noticed ghost fox flustered

hazzy asks if they are okay

ghost fox says their okay

human enters and sits back down (where they were)

human and ghost fox still flustered

Feizao POV:

why is ghost fox flustered?

nevermind that why are they both flustered?

feizao gets noticeably madder

feizao stands up and leaves

Human POV:

wonder why feizao is so mad

asks ghost fox

they stutter while saying they don't know

human lost in their own thoughts

3rd Person POV:

Catte hugs the human out of the trance

catte asks human if they are coming with them to garden

human agrees to come

ghost fox warns human about figs in the garden

-End of chapter 3

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