Chapter 2 : The Unlikely Friends Story Board

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Chapter 2 : The Unlikely Friends

time skip(30 minutes)

Human POV:

human wakes up

looks around in a panic

looks for a way out

bangs on door

Plantix POV:

plantix comes out of their room

Plantix asks if Ghost fox is okay with a worried tone

3rd Person:

Ghost fox comes back into the hallway

realise human banging on the door

plantix doesn't see ghost fox

Ghost fox start to panic

Plantix sees ghost fox

conversation comes

Human POV:

Panic from overhearing conversion

Search for a weapon (failed)

Human hears muffled talking

human hides

Ghost Fox gives in and opens the room door

Plantix searches

Plantix finishes searching the room and doesn't find him

Plantix leaves

Realise Gootraxian's Room

panic more mentally

Ghost Fox confuse

Ghost Fox search more

Ghost Fox finds human

Ghost Fox POV:

slow and steady conversation between human and Ghost Fox 

Human doesn't believe Ghost Fox slowly starts to trust them (Ghost fox calming ability)

gets out of hiding

communicate more

Plantix knocking at the door

Human gets nervous again and hides in the same spot

Ghost fox tries to reassure human that Plantix won't hurt them

Humans too nervous even with a calming aura

Plantix enters asking why he isn't at the garden

Ghost fox makes an excuse

Plantix doesn't buy it

Plantix thinks Ghost Fox is hiding something

Noise from bed

Plantix investigates

Plantixs find human under bed

Plantix asks why Ghost Fox

Ghost Fox can't make an excuse

human hug ghost fox out of pure fear

plantix questions the ghost fox and keeps eye on human 

-End Of Chapter 2

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