Chapter 1 : The Mysterious Encounter Story Board

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Chapter 1 : The Mysterious Encounter

Ghost Fox POV:

The human with a crowbar in hand

swims across

ghost fox in the corner

human goes to the garden

ghost fox investigate

Kaijus chasing human

kaijus lose human in tree

kaijus leave

ghost fox enter

human drops down for medkit unaware of ghost fox

ghost fox stares

ghost fox curious

human pulls weapon

human backs away to the door

ghost fox gives chase

human finds a medkit in the cafeteria

Ghost fox invisible  near human

Ghost fox invisible is cafeteria

human hear ghost fox any way

become panicked

look down

leg slip

hit head

ghost fox catch

Ghost fox feels a bit guilty

doesn't want human to die

brings human to his room

human on bed

Ghost fox has wander

-End Of Chapter 1

Sorry this Chapter Story Board is so long but we thought to share it with you this will appear for every chapter from now on.

Side Note: Chapters are going to be weekly

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