friend or foe? you choose. (part 1)

Start from the beginning

¨I had never intended to be seen as an outstanding figure.¨ I objected.

¨Yeah, but, regardless of whether you like it or not, it will be dependent on people's feelings. Now, that is the problem.¨ Karuizawa reasoned.


¨Well... you are undoubtedly conscious of Horikita's capabilities, am I not wrong?¨ Karuizawa yearned for my answer. Looking up, I muttered silently, ¨Correct, if so?¨

¨For all I know, it's highly possible that she may figure out that you were the sole organiser for the meetup between her and Ichinose-san. Mainly because you had put me in charge to be on standby as they converse with one another. Also-¨

¨Sigh... you also mean, due to the countless times I have been involved with Horikita in the scheming of other classes, the role of the mastermind would be traced to me?¨ I interjected.

¨That too.. Yes.. I see that you had perceived that outcome beforehand.¨ Karuizawa frowned in disappointment. There it was clear to me that she wanted to surpass me in my ability to foresee events. Well... I'd admit I'll let it off for once.

¨Karuizawa, about that role assignment part, I guess it was wrong for me to leave it to you.¨ I enlightened. ¨H...huh?¨ Baffled, Karuizawa stuttered in response.

¨Meaning that I should have permitted you to decide on who to substitute you on behalf of being the middleman between Horikita and Ichinose.¨ I answered.

¨Wait... what?¨ Karuizawa's eyes widened. Her lips slowly curled up into a smile, but not long after, it returned to her usual expression. She was probably hiding how elated she was.

Out of consideration for her efforts in assisting me, I guess Karuizawa did deserve victory against me once in a while.

Haha. Hm?

¨Well, but... despite that, you wouldn't want the foundation of your bond to be destroyed, do you? Do you realise that she could somehow be a potential opponent to your plans in the future? She could even potentially turn the entire class against you with her increasing influence and leadership within the class. All thanks to your indirect teachings to her via the special exams.

Horikita-san could have been greatly inspired by your successions, leading her to study and analyse more of your behaviour.¨

I see. So that was her concern. Karuizawa's assumption on Horikita's actions are close to accuracy, excluding the fact that what she may have resorted to do did sounded creepy.

Allow me to finally emphasise on my plan so far then.

¨Originally, that was precisely what I have thought in the beginning.¨ I began.

In accordance with the start of my explanation, Karuizawa leaned her back against the cushion and crossed her arms comfortably, eager to hear my real intentions being unveiled.

¨Horikita was indefinitely hard headed, rash and incomprehensible in many ways. Don't get me wrong but, Horikita was the sole reason why I had lost all hope that remained in having a peaceful highschool life.¨

Karuizawa chuckled, upon recalling the incident.

¨You were being toyed by her in the first week of school. To the extent that she stabbed you with a compass. Youch.¨

¨That is true. I eventually had a desire to imagine that the results of the first special exam organised by the school made her experience karma's wrath.¨

Karuizawa giggled once more. ¨She really was that bad, huh.¨

¨Indeed. As a result of more exposure to people and mishaps to reality however, it tuned her difficult personality into one which I had not expected. It was one of her hidden attributes.¨

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