Part 9

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Tee looks around the room, it looks like an office but not in friendly way. The room look normal but mysterious at the same.

A scary man enter the office and sit in front of Tee at the other side of the table. Tee still remember this scary face that he met at Bali and he doesn't like this face at all. Tee hold the urge to roll his eyes because he is thinking about Win's fate.

"Who are you?" that was the first question Tae ask to Tee. Tee looks at Tae like he is asking a crazy question.

"I'm Tee, the one who stayed in your suite without your permission" replies Tee straight to the point. He really has nothing else to say but Tae doesn't look like he is happy with the answer.

'should I lie about who am I?' Tee contemplated to change his answer if it will make this man happy. He looks like a gang leader.

"Who are you?" Tae ask again this time with an angry tone, not just a stern one like before.

"My name is Thanapon, I also known as Tee. I'm a veterinarian at this clinic, I love animals and doesn't like human much" Tee glances at Tae when he says human, Tae doesn't look amuse at all.

Tee continue telling his stories, even his past when he was 13 years old. He lived with Jod and don't know about his parent and where he came from. The only thing he remember was when he stay with Jod.

Tae was surprised because he only has Tee real past life, when he was a child and then some part was missing until he studied at the uni and till now.

"Look, I brought the money, I don't know if it's enough to pay for the suite but you can take it first. I will add more later if it doesn't enough" Tee gives the envelope to Tae.

Tae looks at Tee and take the envelope and look what inside, indeed, it's money and even without counting it he knows it's more than enough for the suite. Tae didn't kidnapped Tee for the money, he just want to know what Tee wants from him.

"Khun, I beg you, please send Win back because he is innocent. I don't want him to get involve with my problem" pleads Tee hopeful.

"He is already involved when he saw you with us. I can't let him go, he might tell anyone else about you"

Tee looks troubled, he doesn't know what to say to make them let Win go.

"Khun, you can keep me here but please let him go. He has family he needs to take care of, I have no one that will worry about me. Please, pity his life, he is still young" Tee has tears in his eyes now. He can't see Win suffer because of him, he doesn't want Win's family to lose a place they rely. Win has other responsibilities unlike him.

"I will ask you for the last time, how you end up in my room? How did you know me?" Ask Tae again. Tee sighs, he keep repeating the same answer but he still reply it.

"I never met you before, I don't even know what's your name till today. I was scammed and lost, I don't know what to do at the hotel, I don't have money to rent another room, my return ticket will be another week. I don't know what to do, where to stay, I'm terrified but then, I heard you and your friends talk the same language like me. I was hopeful that you can help me that time because I don't know who to ask anymore. When I try to approach you, it seems like you are busy and didn't has time for me. I want to wait but I'm afraid I will lose the chance so I hid under the trolley and end up in your suite.
I hide because I don't want to scare you, I try to create an opportunity to talk to you but you never stay at the suite unless when you went to sleep. I missed the chance for a few times.
After that I think I should leave because I thought a way to help me return to Bangkok sooner. I decided to leave tomorrow but you caught me thsat night.
You can check my phone, my stuff and everything else. I didn't steal anything from you, I don't even know you. I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

Tee put his palm together begging Tae to believe his story.

Tae realise that Tee is telling the same story and he already checked everything including Tee's emails. There is no ways of Tee contacting anyone else except Job, Win and Aron. Nothing suspicious about Tee at all but Tae still can't let it pass easily.

"why you still use this old phone?" ask Tae, he is really curious because people nowadays rely on their smartphone. No one use that old phone anymore

"Because it's my first phone. It still functioning well. I don't have any use of the phone except to make calls and texts. I don't have social medias, I don't care about the technologies" Tee is already tire answering this same question he got from  people, can't they just respect his choice for using his phone?

"Do you know how internet works?" ask Tae purely curious but Tee is furious. Did Tae think of him as a cavemen?

"I know it well and I use it during my studies. I even has a good laptop if you are curious" Tee sounds sarcastic but angry.

Tae try to hide his smile,he clears his throat and compose himself. He can't read people's characters but he can guess that Tee is not lying but he can't take a risk by letting Tee go just like that.

"I will offer you a good deal"

"huh? Khun, I don't need a deal, I just want you to let Win go. You can keep me here as long as you let him go and never touch him again. I will talk to him to keep his mouth shut, if he can't keep it secret, you can hurt me or torture me but please, let him go" Tee even willing to get on his knees if he can free Win from this place.

Tae knows Tee is thinking that he owns an illegal organization. Hurt him? Torture him? Tee must watch a lot of dramas during his free time.

"here is the deal. I want you both to keep your mouth shut but I can't believe you if I let both of you go just like that. I will give you and your friend a job, a place to stay near here"

"No!" object Tee fast. He doesn't want to do dirty work and he doesn't want Win to work like that too.

"I'm not doing any illegal work!" Tee is stern.

Tae sighs, he takes out the contract and throw it on the table. Tee looks at Tae before he read the contents.

The contents includes Tee and Win will work with him, they will have their freedom like a normal worker and it also stated that nothing illegal will they work on. Tae just want to make sure Tee and Win didn't go around telling what happened to them. They even will get salaries and holidays like a normal worker has.

Tee looks at Tae still can't believe this scary man.

"no illegal work?" ask Tee just to make sure.

"Yes. Nothing illegal" answer Tae lazily.

Tee re read the contract for second time and he can't find any flaw in it. So, he agree since he has no choices left. There were some rules need to be obeys but Tee will think about it later on.

"so, we can come and leave this place anytime?"

"Yes. When you are done with your work but, if you try to run away or slack off, it will be hell to pay"

"You can't run away from this because I will hunt you down. If you want your friend and his family safe, never tell anyone about what happened and just do your job properly"

Tee thinks about his decision, it will affect Win too but he has no choice left. He will help Win and his family if anything happen to them. For now, this is the only way.

"where I need to sign?" ask Tee still feels unsure but he has no other choice.

After signing the contract, he prays hard to God. He hopes this is the right decision for all of them.

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