My Love For Agatha - Chapter 19

Start from the beginning

"Good, Because Me and Kiko have decided that you two should go together-" I was about to oppose to Agatha but she just held up her finger to my mouth, meaning I need to shut up and let her finish.
"Because," she continued, "The two of you make a wonderful team. If we were to somehow fail, which we won't, you two would already be together and not have to look for each other to team up. And well, you both could fight Juvia." Agatha finished. Her brown eyes showed no doubt about her plan.

"But what about the other wizards? They could help too-" Gray was cut off by Kiko.
"Because Gray, this is you two's Fairy Tale. No one can defeat the witch except ya'll. No Doubt Hester already told Juvia about the dance already." Again, Serious Kiko came. It kind of bothers me seeing her like this, usually she's the happiest person in the world. I look over to Gray and he nodded with no hesitation. I guess Gray listened to Kiko, because she reminds him of his mother. And mothers know best, especially if its a Fairy Godmother. I look at Agatha who's already looking at me, To be honest, I prefer Agatha over my own mother. She's there for me, and Agatha really is like my guardian...I love her like one.

"Besides, one Witch is as powerful as 100 wizards. When I fought Sophie, even a whole school couldn't defeat her. Only me and my Prince...I'm not trying to worry you, but as your Fairy Godmother, It's my job to prepare you for your battle." Agatha said, voice shaking with a terrible memory. Me and Gray looked at each other and awkwardly said,

Day 13

Today everyone was helping out with the guild hall (Mermaid Heel and some of the girls went to Erza's place to cook food for tomorrow). "This good?" Lisanna asked. She transformed into a bird to hang a banner from the ceiling above the aisle. It read 'Love Is Born In Fairy Tail'. She was asking me if it was even,
"Yeah, that's good!" I shout back. I looked around and spotted Agatha coming out of Masters office. She was looking like her usual glum self.

It hit me.

Agatha (not to mention Kiko) must feel horrible! Their true lovers died and here they are watching every couple full of love and joy! Watching us put up a Valentine's dance must kill them. I was so selfish and I didn't even realize it. I run up to her; I could feel her depressed aura.

"H-hi." I say awkwardly. She looks at me for some time before she speaks.
"Hello, Princess."
"You never call me that.."
"Well now I have."
" well, what do you think? About the hall that is."
"Look, I know how you and Kiko must feel about- you know- not being able to experience love like us."

Why did I say that?! She looked at and squinted her eyes as if she was studying me. And then she just walked right past me. I didn't chase after her. Kiko runs up to me.

"Hey, I thought you were making the triple layer cake." I say still facing the doors Agatha just left through.
"Well I was. It's in the oven, I came over to get Agatha and I saw you two talking. I couldn't help but overhear, sorry...but don't mind her, she always gets like this on Valentine's and Tedros's death day- not to mention-" she caught herself. The awkward pause made me face her,
"What were you gonna say?"
"Nothing...well..." Kiko looked like a 8 year old child with a secret dying to be told.

"-Today is the day Sophie killed Agatha's mother! And destroyed her whole village!" She gasped and covered her mouth. I didn't say anything, how could I? This Sophie person is really pissing me off. And if she was still alive I'd be the one to kill her.

"Anyway...she'll be fine. Give her a week." Kiko reassured me and flashed a smile and headed back to the kitchen. She didn't fool me I saw the sadness and anger in her eyes. Because she too- lost her Prince to a witch. I sighed.

"You okay?" I heard a voice from behind call to me. I turn around and there was Gray.
"I heard everything."
"Yeah, I'll be fine. You should comfort Kiko." I say looking down at my shoes.
"And you should comfort Agatha, but I'm not moving. And neither are you." He's right, I should go to Agatha, but I can't. She needs to be alone on her day of grief.

"Not this again..." My body was shaking as the memories stir in me.
"(Y/N)?" Gray walked up to me and placed his hands on my trembling shoulders.
"First my mom now Agatha...I don't want to loose you too..." I whisper as I wrap myself around him. He pets my hair and caresses me. "I'll never leave you..." And we stay like that for what seemed like forever.

-Agatha's POV-

I let my legs dangle from the cliff as my reflection shows on the calm water of the harbor. I look at the sunset.
"I shouldn't have been mean to her..." I whisper under my breath.

"What can you do. We can't control our emotions." A voice says. She sits down next to me.
"What do you want. You shouldn't be out in the open, what if (Y/N) saw you?" I say, still facing the setting sun.
"She wouldn't recognize me. It's been years." The blonde woman said.
"Ah, but she knows you."
"I doubt she does." I turn to her, and my eyes meet hers.
"Thank you for looking after her, Agatha. You really are my best friend." I don't respond, instead I get up and leave her alone in the cliff, with the night sky high above us.

The Mermaid Princess {Gray x Reader} Ft. The School for Good and EvilWhere stories live. Discover now