𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚡

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        "Give me your wrist", the man asked. Y/n gave him her right wrist. He placed it on top of the right wooden armrest. Her wrist was also placed in the metal contraction. The man closed the metal contraption around her wrist locking it in place. The tightness of it made her eyes squint a bit and began trying to move her arm around to lessen the tightness, unfortunately it didn't, she couldn't move at all. He did the same thing to her left. The man stood back up and looked at the masked man.

        "Turn her into a villain", he ordered pointing a finger at Y/n. "You got it AFO", the masked man replied. "Do not call me that", the man said in a stern tone and turned around and began leaving. Panic began setting into Y/n. She looked over at the masked man who was giving her psychotic smile. The shadow across his human masked made it worst.

         "Wait no PLEASE DON'T GO PLEASE C-COME BACK", Y/n screamed. All for One just kept walking not even hesitating.

          "Row row row your boat gently down the stream~", the man sung in a kid like tone as he turned to face Y/n after tinkering with something on his table.

            "Merrily merrily merrily merrily", he continued lifting his hand into the air, mimicking like he was hiding something. A small hammer appeared in his empty hand. Tears filled Y/n's eyes then she focused back on All for One who was about to leave the room. She ruskce din a big breath and then shouted as loud as she could.

            "DAD", Y/n screamed out without even thinking. All for One stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around to look at Y/n. "Dad", she whimpered again. All for One gave her a smile and then left. Y/n eyes remained wide fear and betrayal evident in them. Her tears now spilling out of her eyes. The masked man blocked her view making her look up at him. The masked man squatted down onto his knees to be equal height with her.

           "Don't worry daddy will be back soon okay', he smiled. Y/n just stared at him. "I know your nervous don't worry we'll get you fixed right up okay", he explained. Y/n waited a couple of second before nodding her head.

             "So whatcha name", the man asked. "I'll tell you mine when you tell me yours", he added. "...Y/n", she mumbled. "Huh what was it", the masked man questioned leaning in and putting a hand behind his mangled ear.

            "My name is Y/n", she sniffled speaking louder. "Aww what a pretty name so much prettier than mine", he commented. "Want to know mine", he asked. Y/n nodded her head.

            "You can call me Leatherface", the masked man introduced. "Weird name huh", he dryly chuckled rubbing the back of  his thinning hair. Y/n nodded her head again.

            "Good now let's get started we are gonna fix you rightttttt up", leather face sighed standing back onto his feet. Y/n watched as he moved the hammer over her fingers. He lifted it up and then back down slowly making it gently touch her small fingers. He brought the hammer high over his shoulder. "W-what are you doing", Y/n questioned.

            "Like I said fixing you up", he answered then brought the hammer down onto her fingers.


       Five months has past. Everyday she was tortured by Leatherface. After every torture she went through, from smashing fingers, pulling out teeth, thinks being stuck into her ear, any physical torture imaginable; After every torture he would feed her the limbs of his victims he has collected over the years. Normal people, heroes, quirk users, or/and traitorous villains. She ate them all. He only fed her so her limbs and bone scan regrow back so he could torture again without worrying about her dying.

        "Yes we are making excellent progress you can stop checking in", leatherface chuckled. He was standing a good feet away from Y/n, who was hunched over in her chair. Her eyes were wide and dull, and drool was slipping down he corner of her mouth.

          "Yeah uh huh okay", leatherface replied turning around to get closer to Y/n. He squatted down in front of her. "Hear that daddy on the phone complaining about ya, guess we'll have to do extra more today~", Leatherface giggled. Y/n just stared down at the floor. "Alright I'll report in later", Leatherface sighed then hung the phone up and placed it into his apron pocket.

            "What should we do today little girl", he questioned. Y/n just stayed quiet. When he was about to stand up he heard he murmur something. "Oh?! You answer come one tell me", he squealed leaning in closer to heal her. Y/n's head snapped up and latch onto his ear. He let out a scream in pain and pulled away letting her rip it off with ease.

              "FUCK FUCK FUCK", he shouted holding the side of his head where his ear use to be. Blood wrinkled down his big chubby hands. Leatherface hunched over breathing in and out trying to make the pain bearable. He didn't want to leave to patch up the wound that means Y/n will get the enjoyment of knowing she wounded him. Once the pain was bearable he stood up.

            "You lit-", he began, but stopped when he noticed Y/n was gone. Blood and skin was stuck to the inside of the metal handcuffs that was attached to the chair. He lowered his hand and summoned a crossbow and arrow. He loaded the arrow quickly.

              "Come on little one we have to be on schedule", he cooed. "You don't want to make your daddy mad do ya", he questioned while searching the room. It was empty only his torture chair and bodies in the corner. He couldn't spot her, it was like she disappeared into air.

As he was searching the room two squid like tentacles descended down from the room. They had bone square bones each with a red circle in the middle. They remind few of a whip sword. The bones made a clattering noise causing leatherface to turn around thinking she was behind him he fired the crossbow immediately. The arrow loaded itself into the red glowing muscles in-between bones. Leatherface slowly lifted his head up towards the ceiling.

          Y/n was gripping the ceiling staring down at Leatherface. Her eyes were a pure white. Her whole body twitched ever so slightly like a crazed beast. Drool slobbered down the side of her mouth. A few droplets fell onto Letherface's mask. The bony tentacles from from her tail bone. Above it was huge butterfly like muscle wings. A demonic growl began filling the room.

          Leatherface summoned an arrow into his hand and began loading it into the crossbow. Soon as it was in Y/n let out a roar and released the ceiling. She used her feet to jump off the ceiling to shoot down at Leatherface at a fast speed. Leatherface lift his crossword shooting it. The arrow lodged itself into her face, just below her cheek, but it didn't affect her in the slightest.

        "Life but a dream", leatherface chuckled one last time. Y/n landed on top of him and latched onto his neck killing him in an instant before devouring his body.

       When Y/n came to out of her hunger drive faze she notice she was outside. The air was warm with a cool breeze. It was nighttime. She was tired really tired. She lift her wrist seeing the bruising were gone. That's when she noticed she sat on something really uncomfortable. She looked down seeing Leatherface. His mask was gone revealing his mangled and half eaten face. Below him was more bodies. To her it was thousand of them, but in reality it was only thirty-three Bodies. She left the other scattered around the small town.

      They were all half eaten some limbs missing, some early eaten, others most of their body was gone only leaving their shoulders and head. Y/ just stared down at them then she got up standing back on her feet. Like an alien child she stepped off the makeshift food pile and began walking away. No emotion was on her face. No tears, not frowns, emotionless. She walked out of now empty town and into the night.

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Parasyte || Mother! Y/n and child! ShigarakiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang