Déjà vu of you

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Kells POV
Today was my 19th birthday. I woke up and put on some clothes and headed over to my friend rooks house. Every year since I was 9 me and rook would spend my birthday together.

Well I was walking to rooks all of a sudden I got Déjà vu of me and a girl walking down a golden road. I couldn't see her cuz she was walking ahead of me holding my hand. It only lasted for a couple of seconds. I forget about it when I get to rooks house. I walked in and rook was sitting on his couch smoking a joint.

"Happy birthday day Kells!" He said looking at me. "Thanks man!" I say sitting next to him. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" Rook asked handing me the joint. "Ya I can't wait to perform at the Apollo theater. It would be so sick if I was the first rapper to win!" I say getting hipped for my performance.

"I believe in you man! You will do great! Other then that what you wanna do for your birthday?" I thought for a bit and finally decided on something. "Let's go to a club!" "If that's what the birthday box wants let go then."

When we got to the club there was hella people there. I went over to the bar and got some bears for me and rook when a fine ass girl came up to me.

"Hey I'm Veronica." She says leaning on the bar. "I'm Colson or you could call me Kells." I said looking at her up and down. "Why Kells? Is that a nickname?" She asks taking a sip of the drink she ordered.

"It cuz my rapper name is Machine gun Kelly." "Oh so you rap? I should listen to you some time." She says.

After a while of talking and drinking I was super drunk. Me and Veronica where dancing when all of a sudden she kissed me. That was the second time I got Déjà vu but I still couldn't see what she looked like. This time we where kissing in I'm guessing her room.

It only lasted for a couple of seconds like last time. When it went away me and Veronica ended up going to my place that night.

The next day I woke up and she was gone. Damn she really just wanted to sleep with me. I ain't complaining tho. That's when it hit me my performance was today! I look at the time and it was already two in the afternoon!?

I heart up and take a quick shower and put on some clothes. I have to get there by 3:30 to sign in. I run over to rooks house since he was gonna give me a ride to the theater. When I got to his house I walked in and he was asleep on his couch.

"Rook wake up man!" I say throwing a pillow at him. "What?" He say looking at me. "We have to get to the theater! It's already 2:40!" "Oh sit man! Let me put on something else on real quick!" Rook got up and he went and changed. When he came back out we got in the car and headed over to the theater.

When we got there it was already 3:28 so I had to run in and sign in. When I got to where I had to sign in at I made it right on time. I waited for all the people to go when it was finally my turn.

When I got on stage I got Déjà vu of performing in front of a bunch of people. I was cut out of it when the music started.

(Kells performance^)

After my performance a couple people went after me. After the performances they called everyone to the stage. They announced the third and second place winners and they where about to announce the first place winner.

"And first place goes to mgk!" I couldn't believe it I won! I won! I'm the first ever rapper to win! I was so hipped I started to jump around. This is when I new I was gonna become big one day.

I know this is a short chapter but I'll post a longer one tomorrow:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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