Chapter three

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The world stopped for me right then and there. Did I hear that correctly? I wasn't her son?

"I had a feeling that you weren't his real mom." Autumn scowled at my mom. "Why didn't you tell him the truth? It would've saved him a lot of trouble." She was clearly angry, for a reason my mom didn't know yet.

When she spoke I snapped out of it and talked to her, trying to calm her down. She needed to know it wasn't her fault. Mom didn't know how her actions affected me on this level, and if I told her, she needed to be calm enough to understand what was going on. Right now wasn't the time to tell her. But now I needed to know about my past so I could live in peace.

"Mom, where did I come from? Who are my real parents?" I asked her.

But mom didn't look like she was able to speak at the moment. Rachel was sliding her hand up and down in mom's arm and she was holding her straight. She was the one who answered me.

"Soon after we got married, we decided to form a real family. We went to an orphanage when we heard on the news a story about an abandoned baby found in the woods. Rachel and I visited the orphanage and did all of the paperwork we needed. As soon as we saw you we decided to take you in. You were a baby, so I know you don't remember anything." She looked down at the ground, a guilty look flooded her face.

Mom looked at me with tears rushing down her face. She stood up to get closer to me and hugged me as if her life depended on it.

"Please, forgive us." She said next to my ear.

Pushing her away just enough to see her face I simply smiled at her.

"There's nothing to forgive." I said. "I should say thank you, actually. Both of you saved me."

"Now we just need to find out who your parents are. Hopefully they're alive and we can talk to them about your... situation." Autumn said.

Mom and Rachel looked at her weirdly.

"What do you mean by that?" Rachel asked Autumn.

I didn't want to tell them yet, but from Rachel's tone, I knew mom and specially Rachel wanted a convincing answer to their new doubt.

"Have you ever heard about werewolves.?" I asked them.

"No. And what does that have to do with you? Is it a gang?" Rachel asked me after walking toward me all of a sudden.

"No. He's not part of a gang. Don't worry, he's a good boy; there's no way he'd hurt you two like that. But it's what he is." Autumn said while moving to my side.

"Then what the hell is "werewolves"?" Rachel asked.

Autumn looked at me. "Should you tell them, or should I?"

"I think I can explain." I replied.

How they came to be, what we can do, the whole "we shouldn't let normal humans know about us" committee. I explained everything about werewolves, but mom and Rachel just looked at me as if I had just grown a second head.

"I wouldn't lie to either of you. Please, believe me." I told them.

Mom and Rachel looked at each other, and then at me, then back at each other. It was a lot to take in, I knew, more than them at least.

"Show us." Mom suddenly said.

I didn't expect her to say that, specially with that curious face. I knew that face well. She always had it when she was truly interested in something. Hopefully she wouldn't be scared.

"Alright then." I said.

I stood up, and moved the furniture. Mom, Rachel and Autumn sat in the stairs waiting for me to get ready.

Aiden FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now