Chapter 1 - Fresh Air, Tall Trees, and Bugs

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The battered old couch groaned as Jain Aki settled into it with her treasure. It was heavier than she expected, and the size of a small dog. Some new interface, they said. Like virtual reality, but... less virtual, more reality.

Eager to discover just what that meant, she tore at the seams until she held her glistening prize. It was... another box. Stark white and emblazoned with a pastel logo in pinks and purples and greens. "OFF//WORLD: The Apotheosis of Virtual Existence™"

Whatever was in the box was not the heavy part. Jain peered into the shadowy pile of swiftly biodegrading packing nuts. The smell of ozone was pungent. She closed her eyes and inhaled, riding the heady rush for a moment before retrieving the second item. It was hefty and warm, and a glossy, jet black that matched her shoulder-length hair.

It was cylindrical, and a couple inches wide. Soft pads covered the inside surface except for one spot that looked like a clamp of some kind. Was it head gear? If so, it would be far too tight to fit on her skull. Not small enough to be a bracelet, either.

Her frown deepened aggressively at the inscrutable device until... Ah, there it was. She fiddled with its simple clasp and the thing sprang open. Golden light flared as a pair of holograms materialized inside the open cylinder. Throat, said the first.

Spine, declared the second. Both in various languages, flashing in a cycle.

She gasped. Around her neck? And worse, the "spine" side was the metal clamp that stared up at her as it glittered in the golden hue.

"Thank you for purchasing DIMENSION SCOPE," a voice said. The sound seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. "A registered trademark of ARSEN Interactive."

"Um," said Jain.

"By unlocking and installing the DIMENSION SCOPE service OFF//WORLD, which henceforth will be called THE SERVICE, you agree to wave any and all indemnity or liability against ARSEN Interactive and Associates, henceforth referred to as THE COMPANY..."

The voice trailed out of Jain's awareness as she examined the collar. It hinged on what would be her right, under the ear, and latched on the opposite side. A pair of red lights blinked softly at her on each of the open ends. And a sticker that said


And some smaller text she ignored. The usual. These virtual sets were always doing weird things to her brain or body, and so far Jain had not felt any ill effects. Nor had very many others if the commercials could be believed. And why not? They would get in big trouble for lying about serious things like that.

Besides, the game had been in alpha and beta testing for almost five years, which was plenty of time to work out the kinks. Probably. She glanced at the empty box. One item remained, a printed card of all things. How quaint!

IMPORTANT! it said.

Jain rolled her eyes. She did not save up and spend twelve thousand credits for the deluxe release pre-order to just read warranty cards and stare at the stupid thing. So, with a sigh and a swallow, she snapped it around her neck. The voice stopped. The holograms vanished.

"Now traveling to OFF//WORLD," said another, kinder disembodied voice. "Where you can be whoever you want to be..."

Something that felt like a needle the size of her middle finger pierced the back of her neck, and Jain rode the wake of a tidal wave of spasming discomfort until it splashed her against the couch. The city faded away as she folded in half and sunk through the cushions. Her world spun red, then black, then rainbow-colored for an instant that stretched and pulled at the backs of her eyelids until finally everything was painted in blurry greens and browns beneath the deepest blue sky Jain had ever seen.

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