Writing goes slow, school goes fast, haha (A/N)

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A picture of me showing up at school every day (real)☝☝☝

(weird title I know)

Hey y'all

First of all, thank you guys for so much reads on this story. I mean right now this story has 596 so almost 600, that's crazy. thank you so much ❤❤❤

Remember that I said that I had a lot of time to write in the beginning of may... haha...uhm... yea about that...

I thought by then, I would be done with my homework but it was too much and now I am even more stressed because we have these internship assignments and we all thought that we have to turn them in somewhere in the end of july. But our teachers though it was a good idea to wait to till last week to inform us that we have to turn it in on the first of july (that was the first time they told us)

And if we turn it in after that day, they won't check it and you get to know if you have done it correctly in september. I have done 2 out of 7 assignments. I feel nervous, stressed and scared and when they told us that, that feeling got only worst. I mean, would it have killed them to tell us that the due date is the first of July in like february or march and not halfway in may???!!!!! this makes me kinda wanna quit even more.

I do the education 'teaching assistant'/ 'child care worker' (day care) and since this is the first year, we have to choose which one we want to do. And I'm gonna choose 'child care worker' but I already know that that will never be my job, I think I will be very unhappy if it will. It's not that I don't like the children. I really love holding babies and seeing the excitement on a 2 year olds face when they see a car drive by. But it's just not the job that I see myself doing. Lots of people have told me that it doesn't matter that I don't know yet what I want to do in a few years cause I'm still young but I am being forced to focus on my future and those big choices at school everyday

My dream job is becoming a writer, and people have told me I can't do it. For example, because I had a hard time writing a 200 word summary's every week of boring 500 word articals. Or because "I never write anything" haha I do, I just don't want you to see it, mom

Don't worry, my mom is really sweet and last week my uncle said that my younger nephew (who I always hang around with cause we have the same hobbies) wanted to become a writer and then my mom pointed at me and said something like: "There we have another one, she wants that too" so I think she supports my idea a little more lately Idk

But to get back on topic (sorry) now I sometimes write in between homework cause I need distraction. So it will go a little slower buuuut I am writing a chapter and it's almost done so that will probleply come out in the next week (I originally wanted to post it about a month ago hahaha)

(Btw, this author's note is way too long again, sorry:()

So I see you all around. And remember you are loved and nothing is more important than your own mental health. Don't forget to eat and drink something today <3



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