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haahah so anyway itll lighten up and go back to pure shitpost soon, but just so ya know this chapter is kinda disturbing?

Supersimp: good morning everyone!

Egg: good morning, im not having a nice one.

Lil shit: i cant remember anything about yesterday

Supersimp: i guess we werent on the gc because theres no messages.

Lurker: so do anything exciting recently?

Supersimp: oh, yeah, actually, two days ago i went to a movie theater and got ice cream!

Club penguin: by yourself?

Supersimp: yeah, i mean, i dont have anyone to do it with me so.. yeah.

Edge: why is your username supersimp?

Supersimp: i mean im generally nice to people?

Supersimp: i cant seem to remember why.

Supersimp changed their name to spider man

Spider man: yeah ok now thats better anyway how is everyone else?

Egg: im eating waffles

Puff: so jealous. also susie, looking at our dms, was gonna send you a message that said good morning, what is a sectonia?

Lurker: oh yeah just a plugg. they were acting weird.

Puff: okay.

Supersimp: their name rings a bell.

Lurker: oh it was probably one of the pluggs we befriended during star allies. she has a sister named sectonie. very close names, its weird.

Supersimp: ohhh ok.

Thunder Thot: my sisters and i went on vacay for the weekend and forgot our phones, so since we dont use them much, we only realized on the way home. sorry for the inactivity!

Elfilin: oh its fine, just look at dmk, he hasnt spoke in 40 years

Edge lord: fuck you im here

Dumb rat: yeah hes just eavesdropping

Edge lord: fuck you too

Dumb rat: you wish

Edge lord: w h a t

Dumb rat is now offline

Edge: well me and dedede are going to a place so bye

Edge is now offline

Club penguin: buh byeee

Club penguin is now offline

Lurker: welp byye

Lurker is now offline

Wow that was the shortest chapter ive ever done lol but anyway

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