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" Fumiko!", "hai okāsan" ( yes mum), "why aren't you out eating algae off rocks with the others?!". " Gomen' nasai okāsan" (sorry mum) " don't let me see you lazing around once more!". Why dose it matter weather I do or I don't eat algae off stupid rocks, they wouldn't let me come anyway, Fumiko muttered to herself a bit to loudly, "Nan, anata ni modotta bakri no chatto o shimashita!!" (What, did you just back chat!!) " Anata o aete dono yō ni, anata ******** hankō-tekina on' nanoko!" ( how dare you, you ******** disobedient girl!". Mumma always swears when she's angry, I don't know why but the swears hurt every time she calls me them, she thought to herself followed by a sigh which her mother heard but was to tiered and her throat was to soar to yell and abuse her with another swear. Her mother went back to looking after the eggs. Just as Fumiko started swimming down stream the school were approaching swimming upstream, Akio leading the school as usual. Akio was the favourite child, his name meaning " glorious hero" or " glorious man" you could suspect that this would have gone to his head, witch it did. He was now able to leave the school and find a mate but being the " glorious man" he supposedly was, offered to look after Mumma and all the fish in the pond. Although Fumiko's name meant " child of treasured beauty" this name was given to her by her fathered Kazuki meaning " harmonious hope", She had heard he was a kind and peaceful fish, nothing short of a gentleman, she believed this as he loved her for the koi human she was. Though she had to believe this as she had never met him.
Fumiko hid behind a rock as the school came up the stream following Akio was her five other brothers, 17 yr Daisuke ( " great helper"), step brother Haruo ( " spring man") he's 17 as well, the 16yr triplets Hideaki ("shining excellence"), Hideki (" splendid opportunity") and Hideo (" splendid man") as well as the last brother, 15yr Gorou ( meaning " fifth son"). Even though Gorou and Fumiko were twins, he treated her like she did not exist.
Akio had spotted her behind the rock, her hair had given it away ( she's like a mermaid but with a koi tail and she's the size of a koi fish), "get out from behind the rock you little coward!" The school laughed at her " no, never mind I don't want to see your face", as he swam away heading back to Mumma to brag about the " fabulous" things he had just been doing she heard him mutter " Orokana chīsana neko" ( stupid little pussy). Fumiko didn't cry she was used to all the abuse and anyway she got punished if the got court crying, she swam just staring ahead until she reached you bridge. This was the bridge that allowed people to cross the the other side of the river, she stared at the bridge......... She decided that she would be safe to cry if she was up there, some how she managed to get up onto the bridge even though it was half a meter high from the water ( her human half must have come in handy in this circumstance). She sat on the edge of the bridge stared off into the sun set, took a deep breath in... And out, she stared to sob, she sobbed and sobbed saying " why do they hate me for my difference!!" "WHY!". She stopped sobbing for a second and she heard a buzzing sound, she looked around, she turned her head back to the right and she SCREAMED! " Oh, Oh, you scared me!" She panted frantically. She had screamed at the sight of a humming bird, but there was something not quite right about this humming bird, he was half humming bird...... Half human. " YOUR A CROSS LIKE ME!!"

The next issue of Fumiko comes out next week

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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