Tiny Dancer

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The next day we woke up. Elton was mentally and physically drained.

"Yeah that can happen after the first few days." I said. Elton throught his head into his pillow, screaming at the top of his lungs. The breakfast bell rang. I could tell Elton didn't wanna get up, but if he didn't, then the propel here were probably gonna start forcing food down his throat. I looked down the hall.

"Tell you what, I'll bring you some food from down stairs. They shouldn't mind it I don't think, I mean I've seen people do it before."

Elton gave me a thumbs up. I opened the door. Just then Larissa walked past.

"Hey Larissa, this is random, but can you watch Elton for like 5 minutes? I know it's breakfast and all, but he is going absolutely mental." I  asked.

"Well of course y/n! I was probably gonna be late for breakfast anyway, so it's alright."

I smiled.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Sure thing, but before you go to the dinning hall, can I ask you something? "
"Go on." I said.

"Y/n... Do you like Elton?"

I looked at my feet, thinking what to say. I mean yes I liked him... But should I tell her? I mean Larissa is my friend... Right?

"Um.... Yes... Yeah.... I think so. Which is kinda strange in my eyes... But yes, yes. I think."

Larissa laughed.

"And how is that strange y/n?" Larissa asked.

"Well... I'm not auctlly a homosexual, yet now that Elton's here... I think I might be one..."

Larissa patted me on the back.

"It's alright, you shouldn't be upset about who you are. I won't lie, you seem like the kind of person who would be a fag."

I laughed, lightly punching Larissa in the shoulder.

"Yeah right. What's "queer making" about me?"

"The earrings and blouse for a start." She said smirking. I laughed. That was pretty fag making, but still. I finally headed down stairs, grabbing a plate for me, Elton, and Larissa. I toke it back up stairs to them. I opened the door. Elton was half asleep, mumbling for whiskey.

I handed them both a tray. Elton widen his eyes.

"My, if it isn't my tiny dancer." He said. Holy shit. Elton John just declared me his tiny dancer. That is like a manger upgrade from just plan old y/n.

"Yes my rocketman, I've returned. With food." Elton smiled.

"Perfect I'm starving." Me, Larissa, and Elton are, talking and laughing. Elton was clearly drained, every now and then asking for a drink, but everytime we told him the reasons he needed to stop and move forward in his life without it.

After we finished Larissa headed back to her room. Me and Elton chatted and laughed. Elton was still tired, and mentally not there. I stud up. It was Sunday, which was the day we got the paper in rehab.

"I'll be right back, yeah?" I said. Elton nodded. I ran down the hall to the Landry room. They always laid a handful off papers out in there. I grabbed one taking it back to me and Elton's room.

"You really ran all the way down that hall, to get a paper?" Elton chuckled. It was kind of dumb, but I enjoyed reading. I nodded. I read the cover, before opening it up and flipping throught the pages. Then my heart stopped. Crap. Elton leaned over me to look at the paper. The headline red "Rocketman in rehab? Elton John cancels tours world wide to get over his addictions." Elton's smile faded.

"Guess the news found me. Right, welp." I closed the paper. I felt awful. Why did the news care so much that a celebrity was getting over an addiction? They acted almost as if it was a bad thing. Which, it wasn't. Elton needed help and he got it. The fuck is these people's problems? I cuddled up on Elton's lap.

"I'm sorry, I am... But... That's just the news for you I guess...." I didn't know what else to say.

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