No more secrets

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This OS is my version of Ram & Priya's argument in the bakery after the kidnapping attempt on her is revealed. While I liked Priya's emotionally charged, in the moment, no frills confession, once again we were denied what could have been an honest and open conversation between them.


"The idea of soulmates has people thinking that once they find "the one", everything is smooth sailing from there.
No. You still have to communicate, face past demons, set boundaries together, build and sustain trust, and weather the storms that come to tear you two apart".

- Source unknown

Ram and Priya were both restless. She was in Sood house while he was in Kapoor Mansion, their minds tied up in a million knots after all that had transpired over the last 24 hours. They were both up early, having spent a restless night without the warmth and comfort of each other's presence.         

Why isn't she calling me? Not even a message! She made a mistake, and instead of apologizing or trying to make it up to me, she's happy being at her mother's place. She didn't once stop to think about me. How utterly lonely I would be without her? I just confessed my love, and she couldn't even fight back to be with me, he fumed internally. Fine! I'm not going to call her, she can return when she wants to!

Why isn't Mr. Kapoor calling me? She thought, pacing up and down the living room. I know he's upset, he's angry, but he could have at least sent me a message. He knows I've not recovered fully, yet he sent me off alone and didn't even bother to check on me once! Is this your love, Mr. Kapoor? She grumbled. Fine! I'm not going to call you. Since you were the one who sent me away, I will return only when you call me back!     

But despite their anger, neither could really stay away from the other. Ram dialed Priya's number, and she dialed his simultaneously. As luck would have it, neither call got connected.

Mr. Kapoor must be busy as usual talking to someone else, but he didn't have a moment to call me. Let it be Priya, Mr. Kapoor is a busy man, don't disturb him, if he wants to talk to you, he will call you, she continued mumbling.

Priya has not called me even once since last night, but she has all the time in the world to talk to others, or Krish maybe, huffed Ram. Let it be Ram, she will call you herself whenever she finds time, calling you wouldn't have been on madam's to-do list for the day!

They spent the next hour stewing in their own thoughts, waiting for the other to make the first move. However, Ram could wait no more. Annoyed as he was, he still needed to see her, to talk to her and demand an explanation. He got into his car and left for Sood House.           

Back in Sood House, Priya was leaving for the bakery. Sara needed to make an urgent trip to the bank, so she had asked Priya to get the bakery ready before its opening time. Just as Priya got into the auto and left, Ram's car pulled in. He ran up the stairs two at a time, only to be told by Sara that he had missed Priya by mere minutes. Not one to give up, he immediately left for the bakery.

"Priya," he called out tentatively as he turned the doorknob and pushed open the door of the bakery. She was behind the counter arranging cupcakes in the display case, when she heard her name in his familiar voice and looked up. There he was, looking visibly upset and angry.       

"Mr. Kapoor, what are you doing here so early?" she demanded.

"What do you mean? I came here to meet my wife and talk to her since she can't be bothered to call me," he stated very matter-of-factly.

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