9||true heretic

221 5 0

3rd person
Next day
Warning:very short
Ayla gasped for air as she sat up right the second she opens her eyes.

"Klaus?"ayla shouted.

Klaus came into the room.

"Thank god you alive"he pulled ayla Into a hug.

"Wait"ayla pulled away.

"I died"Klaus looked at ayla with a sad face.realisation came across ayla's face.

"I am dead?"klaus didn't respond.


Tears slowly well up in Ayla's eyes.

"You'll have to feed,love or-"

"-I die"ayla ended the sentence.

"I can't,klaus.I can't." Of course ayla did murdered people in the last 1000 years but she never thought about feeding on them.

"I know you never wanted that but-but you can't just die now,love!"

Ayla just looked at him.

"Fine,but promise me something,nik"ayla started.


"Promise Never,like never leave my side?"

"I promise"

Klaus pulled ayla in a hug again.

"Did you just used magic on me?"klaus asked.

"Sorry had to know,I'm a heretic now if I feed"


I promise the next chapter is going to be longer again it's just school and everything,but I have no school next week so I am post more then.

Lg em                    Posted:5/19/22

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