Loving me

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Mari p.o.v
I was on FaceTime with Devon and Chanel

Chanel: who added you

Devon: chill out

She rolled her eyes

Me: wassup bro

Devon; got into a fight

He showed us his knuckles

Chanel: wait that was you fighting Marcus

Devon: yup

Chanel: damn

Chanel went back looking at the fight video

Chanel: you was fucking your brother up

Me: imma watch it later

Devon: I haven't watched it yet

Us: why

Devon: I don't wanna see them stanking ass comments ya know

Chanel: well they on your side bro bro

Me: and besides Marcus probably loving this attention

Devon: true true

Devon hung up and it was just me and Chanel on the phone

Chanel: someone needs to do something about his brother

Me: mhm
End p.o.v
Sorry this was short

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