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Devon p.o.v

Maybe I am no one's type.. my friends have girlfriends my brother always has a girl or two on his arm. Maybe I'm ugly or maybe I should be like my brother as my parents say or maybe I'll be single forever..I guess no one likes me I'm nobody's type

Mari; you coming to our basketball practice today

Me: nah I got stuff to do

Ky; like what play 2k all day

I rolled my eyes at me

Mari: if you come we can finally find you a girlfriend

Ky: and then you don't have to be the fifth wheel anymore

They started laughing

Me: haha very funny but no

Ky: fine yo ass will never know what pussy taste like

Mari: damn Devon you going out sad

Me: no I'm not and maybe I will get a girlfriend who knows

Ky; I mean you can..the one girl likes you

Me: nah she only likes me cause I know half of the basketball team or cause my brother is a famous football player

Mari: no she actually likes yo weird ass but okay

Me: we not bout to get into this conversation again

I slammed my locker and walked away from them
End p.o.v

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