Look good

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Skyla p.o.v
I was walking out the office when I saw Devon and his brother arguing

Devon: like I said you don't have to stay Marcus

Marcus; aww why you don't want me to embarrass you again

Devon; oh how how would you..I don't got a girl remember that's yo fault

Marcus: it ain't my fault you ugly as fuck and wear yo hair like a girl and I'm all sexy

Devon; there called dreads

Marcus: and it's called I don't give a fuck

Marcus tripped him causing him to fall

Me: hey leave him the hell alone

Marcus: do you know who I am

Me: no and I don't give a fuck

I helped Devon up

Marcus: Devon who is this little bitch

Devon: she's not a bitch

Marcus: I said who is this

Devon: t this is Skyla

Marcus: bet..I'll see you around ms Skyla

He walked away from us

Me: are yo-

Devon: you didn't have to help I can handle my own blood

Me: well he looked like he was gonna kill you..you lucky I helped you

I was about to walk off but he grabbed my arm

Devon: uh thanks

Me: you're welcome and by the way your not ugly

With that I walked off
End p.o.v

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