Introduction - Opera Of The Moon

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The moon was rising and wrapped the beautiful earth with all its nature and human beings in a glittering, shiny, bright light. Big cities with all its skyscrapers and stressed populations and all small villages with all their tiny, small buildings and villagers were lighted by the holy light of the beautiful big lunar moon.

The synthetic lanterns on every street were still shining. Some of them already stopped working, but nothing could stop the moon from shining. It shined so bright - bright as the future of our protagonists.

The most human beings in Europe, Earth were already asleep the moon was still shining. It would shine as long as it needed to be. The moon will never leave you, dear reader. The moon will always be there for you. If you feel sad, just look up to the moon, and it will smile down to you.

Anyway, the moon was shining while most of the humans drifted into a cozy sleep. But the magical light of the moon was not the only shine which was glittering. There was something what the humans could not see. Something which left a big shadow but was also glittering in the wrapped light of the moon.

It was a fast moving object. Something what the human beings would call an unidentified flying object (U.F.O). It moved so fast that even if the humans who still were awake were not able to see it. And it flew directly into the direction of Earth - the home of human beings.

On the inside of the U.F.O. there were some curious, adventurous creatures who had a clear task. They were so excited about their journey to Earth. They looked at each other with their big white teeth and dark sunglasses. The yellow fur of the friendly looked soft and smooth. They were so excited about their journey and so many new things on a new planet.

In the command area of the spaceship of these two friendly wolves and one astronaut was blinking a bright light table which showed the lettering „Next Stop, Earth!"

The truth was that Earth was just a next stop on a long journey through many galaxies. The two wolves already visited many planets as their age was already high. 4.5 billion years of different new things. But they stilled looked fresh and new. Even if both secretly hoped that there were some cleaning and age-refreshing products on this fascinating blue planet. Skin routine was very important to them.

The spaceship flew into the atmosphere of Earth and prepared for landing while loud music was playing through the subwoofers installed in the spaceship. And you all know which song this was.

They landed in an area on Earth called „Russia". It was a big area with a lot of differences in its terrain. When Keith, Jim and DJ Astronaut left the spaceship and saw the Earth and its surface for the first time, they were not really excited.

Do you think we should leave?, asked Jim via telepathy. Of course, they were not able to speak the human language, but they talked in their own language via telepathy. Hey, I know! But I did not write this story. I mean: Yes, I am writing this story, but it came not from my mind. Or did it? Well.

„Yes, let's check out another place.", answered Keith.

So, they returned into their spaceship and left this place called Russia. But they went further north in a very wonderful, much more beautiful country called „Norway". They flew about the beauty of the nature of the country called Norway and decided to land there. From above - from the sky - it looked so beautiful. They thought its villagers and its population would be nice, and they would not be disappointed.

This is the beginning of something wonderful.

To be continued. 

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