'I-I-I h-he's g-gone n-no-' She stammered and Wilbur furrowed his brows.

'Who's gone?' He asked while patting Niki on the back comfortingly. 

'G-G-Georg-ge.' She managed to sputter out and I narrowed my eyes at them.

George? As in Dream's pet George? 

I thought as Wilbur let out a growl.

'How did he escape? I thought we put the collar on him!' He snarled and Niki nodded.

'W-We did, b-but somehow, h-he still u-used his p-powers.' She sniffed and Wilbur sighed in frustration.

'Why? I thought these collars where especially designed for hunters!' He said and I snickered. Wilbur's head snapped to me and I smirked. 

'What?' He growled and I shook my head at him in disappointment. 

'I'd think you guys would be smarter than this, but apparently not.' I said and smirked when he growled in anger, Niki was staring at the ground emotionlessly, tears trailing off her cheek and dripping onto her clothes. 

'What do you mean?' He said and I raised a brow at him. 

'The collars are specially designed for normal hunters, not strong hunters like George, he has a demon inside of him, he is special, so of course that kind of collar wouldn't work on him. He might not be able to break it but his demon surely can.' I said and Wilbur paused to narrow his eyes at me. 

'Shit.' He muttered under his breath and I sighed, so apparently, they also kidnapped George and he escaped, which was good, but Dream would be freaking out by now. 

'Did you tell him yet?' Wilbur asked Niki and she shook her head, sniffing a bit more. Wilbur cursed under his breath and Niki shuddered. 

I wonder who he is and why they seem so intimidated of him. 

'Who's going to tell him then?' Wilbur breathed.

George pov

'George?' I gasped when I heard Dream's voice in my head. 

'Dream?' I whispered and Slimecicle spun around to look at me. 

'You okay George?' He asked and I nodded, eyes wide. 


I asked again and I could feel him there, but the connection was weak. 

'George?' Slimecicle called from far away and I realized he had already walked away and I was just standing still. 

'Yeah, sorry.' I said and caught up quickly.  

Dream? I asked again but no response. I sighed as I followed Slimecicle into the city. 

'This is Las Nevadas! Welcome!' He chirped and I smiled, there were a few people walking around and since it was early in the morning, not a lot of people are up yet. 

I smiled weakly at him as he led me in front of a big tower. 

'We can get some food here.' He said and we got on a glass elevator that shot upwards immediately after the doors closed. I smiled in awe as we rose above the city, the whole thing looked great, it was just as beautiful as Brighton but in it's own, fun way. 

I smiled as we got off the elevator to get some food, Slimecicle went to order two cheeseburgers and some chicken nuggets, I was so hungry I could eat anything. 

'Here you go.' He said while setting a plate with a cheeseburger, some fries and chicken nuggets in front of me, setting the same in front of him, he then got back up to get two big cups full of soda. 

'Thank you.' I said and dug into my food while he stared at me, not bothering to touch his food.

'Aren't you going to eat?' I asked after I had eaten half of my burger. 

'Nah, I don't really have the need to eat.' He said and I nodded. 

Asmodeus? I asked and he hummed in response.

Do you know how far we are from Brighton? I asked and he thought for a while.

'Probably not far, Las Nevadas is Quackity's territory so it shouldn't be too far from Brighton.' He said and I nodded, I never new Las Nevadas would be Quackity's territory. 

Can you try to contact Dream somehow? I asked since they were brothers, I assumed they would have some way of communicating.

'Yeah, if you go to the main tower, which I assume your in, you would find a chamber that you step in to contact him but it's very well hidden because only Quackity is supposed to contact him.' He said and I nodded thoughtfully, if only I could find where that chamber thing was, I could see Dream and tell him where I'm at. 

Quackity pov

I yawned as I watched Wilbur and Niki pace about the room, Niki was practically shitting herself but Wilbur was more collected. 

'You should go tell him, you were supposed to keep an eye on him!' Wilbur said and Niki shuddered. 

'B-b-but w-what would h-he do w-with me i-if  h-he kn-new I was t-the one w-who let h-him escap-pe?' She stammered and I facepalmed, I don't get why the person they were talking about was so intimidating. 

I sighed and decided to go to the bathroom to chill out until they stop arguing. 

'But he won't do anything big to you since your still important to the team, and we can't afford to lose another hunter. We need as many hunters as we can get.' Wilbur said and I paused on my way to the bathroom.

So they have a low number of hunters in the Crescent clan... I thought to myself as I closed the bathroom door behind me, shutting off their voices for a bit. 

I went and sat on the ground, putting my head in my hands and sighing, I was tired from their constant jabbering and I was thirsty so I decided I should just go to sleep. 

My thoughts drifted to Wilbur and what I asked him as I drifted off to sleep. 

Sorry for the long time I took to update, I had writers block and I was tired so sorry

i will try to upload more consistently after this so luv y'all

pls vote and comment! <3

word count: 1638 words.

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