Chapter 15 -END-

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Saejin's POV.

"Yah! Minjunnie! Get back here! How dare you wake me up!" the boy laughed loudly as he ran away. We had just arrived at the hotel in Beijing and I just had falling asleep when this dork woke me up. "It's our one month anniversary! Have mercy on me, baby!" he cried out. I stopped and my eyes widen, making him also stop and look at me. "You forgot, didn't you?". I slumped on the ground sulking. "I'm sorryyy". I looked up at him showing my puppy eyes. "I'll forgive you, under one condition". "Yes? I'll do anything!". "You can't so no to anything I ask or want, no dirty shit, promise!". "Alright! As long as I don't go broke" I rolled my eyes. "Deal"

"Saejinnie, give me a huggg" he whined as we stood at a food stand. " Hold on, I need to finish this" I payed for the food and hugged him, "You're so clingy today Junnie" I mumbled and he just answerd by humming. "Because I don't want to loose you" he eventually answered as we waddled around, still tangled in the hug. "Awhh, Baby" he pouts, making me want to kiss his pouty lips, so I did. 

Minjun's POV.

"Are you ready for today?" I asked my girlfriend as I helped her stretch. "I'm nervous, but I think I'll be alright, I've practiced so hard for this, I must win". I froze for a moment and kneeled down next to her, making her look at me. "Wh-". I pulled her in a tight hug and sigh, "Even if you don't win, you'll always be my champion, alright? Don't over train yourself please! I don't want you to exhaust yourself alot, I want you in one piece back..". She pulled out and smiled. "I promise I won't, you're not the only one who'll woop my ass if I do that". The both of us started giggling at the thought of Saejin getting chased by her father with a spatula. 

 (Play the song please and read slowly)

Every time I watch her preform, I fall deeper and deeper inlove, she's everything I've been dreaming off, I'm so glad to have her as both my friend and lover. "Ah, our Minjunnie is under her spell again" Uncle Yoongi chuckled. "Mhm~ I mean just look at her, she's so gracefull and beautiful" I sigh while smiling and lean on the railing, watching her glide across the ice on the beat of the music. Once she finished she turned to me and blew a kiss, making me catch it. "I'm definitly her fanboy N.1" I thought and walked towards the opening to the ice.

No one's POV.

After the competion, the both of them were walking around on their daily stroll, now, under a long line of cherry blossom trees. "Baby?". The boy looked up. "Yes?". "You'll love me...until the end right?". Minjun was to stunned to speak for a moment after hearing her sudden question. "Are you joking? Saebear, of course I'll love you till the end, no matter the situation, you'll always be the love of my life, I promise". He smiled and pulled her towards him giving the girl a small, but gentle kiss on the lips. The hands with their friendship bracelet interwined tightly. 

"Will you love me forever?"

"Forever is underrated, let's talk about eternity.

 You are mine for eterinty"


"It hurts to leave a light on for nobody"

This was the end of my 'Adopted by BTS' I put an open ending as I may have some ideas for a book two, but I'm not fully sure yet. I hope you liked this one alot and don't forget to leave a comment and vote! 

I purple you all!!!!!!

Adopted by BTS // BTS FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ