Chapter 7

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It's been 2 years since we tried to look for Liam or wished him to be our mate. But, today when we saw him it felt as if I got a new life.
(After seeing Liam-lift)
"Liam" he was definitely shocked to see us.
"Wh-what? How?"
"How are you?" Theo asked him.
" F-fine and you both?"
"Good" we said with brightest smile on our face. For few minutes i was just seeing his face that how cute he wa s looking and his height increased. But when I looked into his eyes there was something it felt as if there are no emotions. We all stood there until some girl came...
"Good afternoon sir" she said.
"Sir, he is in financial department and have joined 3 months back".
"Liam, they are our boss" she looked at him and gave some type of signal and after hearing her Liam was surprised to know.
"O-oh" before we could say anything Liam bid goodbye and left with the girl. Now, both Theo and I were in our office...
"I can't believe, he is here" Theo said with excitement.
"What happened dom?"
"There is something I felt is not right with Liam as if he has changed".
"Amy, bring resume of Liam Cooper from finance department asap" I intercom my secretary. After few minutes she gave the file to us and we didn't see any degree from Harvard and just a high school pass-out.
"What did actually happened in these two years?"
"Let's find out and bring back our Liam" Theo said with enthusiasm.

For few days we looked at Liam's daily schedule. Whenever we would encouter he would just acknowledge us like boss and went on. We also noticed that he had just one friend in the whole office and not talk to anyone. But from today things will change...
"Amy, call Liam Cooper from finance department to our office" i told her. Theo and I were waiting for him. After few minutes, there was a knock and we asked the person to come, Liam entered with his head down and i just wanted to hug him tightly.
"You called me sir?"
"Uh, yes" I said
"We wanted help with some finance of one of our company" Theo said. We both were sitting at our chair while Liam was standing infront of us.
"Sure" he said and Theo went towards him with a file while I went infront and leaned on our table with arms crossed.
"Here it is"
"I will get back to you" Liam lifted his chin and looked directly into Theo's eyes.
"Take your time".
"Where are you going?" I stopped him on his tracks and he turned.
"I mean sit here and see the file" he felt uncomfortable but I wanted to see him more. So, I made him sit on the couch.


I was anxious when two most handsome men were sitting in front of me and seeing me like a prey they want to devour. I tried my best to concentrate on file but as i said 'tried'.
"Liam" for the first time after our encounter when I heard my name from Theo's mouth a shiver felt down my spine. I lifted my gaze and saw him looking fondly at me.
"Yes, sir"
"Just call me Theo"
"Nope" i nodded after eye contact for few seconds i continue my work. I was feeling like someone was drilling holes into my head but after a hour I left and relived a breath which I was holding till now. I finished my day and went home.

For a week, this routine continued where Dom and Theo would call and ask me to see finance of their different companies. But today, when I walked in I heard them talking...
"Mom, we'll think" Dom said. They both have their back towards me and phone on speaker.
"But son.."
"Mom, pls give some more time".
"I don't want my son's to have a hard time".
"We surely won't" Dom said and they turned while eyeing me seductively.
"Maybe the time is near" Theo said and winked at me while smirking at Dom.

(It'll be a hell of a ride, guarantee.)

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