Welcome to Fairy Academy: The Gaming Club

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"And with that, I'd like to introduce a new student! Misaka, if you would please stand up... Misaka?"

Mikoto blinked and stared the blue cat dressed in a teacher's outfit. "I-it really is a kitty... a kitty.. a kitty.."

"That's Mr. Happy to you!" said the cat. "Now.. aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

Mikoto stood up... and...

"KITTY!!!!" She ran right over and started hugging Happy. "KITTY KITTY KITTY!!!!!"

One of the students in the classroom, Lucy Heartfillia, sighed and smiled. "Welp.. we've got another strange one."

"Cats usually don't like me for some reason.. but you're different right?" Mikoto exclaimed with a little drool in her mouth, and hearts in her eyes. "Right right right right right right~♥ ?"

"A-Aye?" said Happy with slight confusion. "Eh.. this is Mikoto Misaka, she will be in this class from now on, so be sure to get along as well as you can.."

A scarlet haired woman, dressed in a red school blazer, walked up to Mikoto and put a hand on her shoulder. "Could you please sit down?"

"Eh?" said Mikoto.

She looked back over her shoulder to see the eyes of demonic reckoning upon her...

"Sit down..." said the class president Erza Scarlet. "And be quiet..."

Th-the legends are true!!! Mikoto squealed in her mind. "O-okay.."

Mikoto let go of Happy and went back to her seat between Natsu, and another black haired boy who was glaring at Natsu while Natsu glowered back.

If Mikoto remembered right, the other boy was Gray.. and other then that.. all she could tell was that these two guys hated each other a lot.. or something..

Mikoto sighed. "Could you two not stare angrily across my desk like this? It feels like I'm the rope in some sort of tug of war royale."

"Stay out of this new girl... this is a battle of wills!!!" said Gray.

"2 go in, and one comes out.. the ultimate battle.." said Natsu.

"You two are just staring intensely at each other.. what kind of battle is that!?" said Mikoto.

"IT'S A STARING CONTEST!!!!" said Gray and Natsu roared. "AND I'M GOING TO WIN!!!!"

"Oh.. ya think you're going to win flame breath!?" Gray got onto Mikoto's desk on his hands and knees, knocking over a bewildered Mikoto's books.

"OH YOU'RE ON!!!" Natsu growled, getting onto the desk too and pushing his forehead up against Gray's forehead..

Mikoto blinked awkwardly. "G-get off my desk please.."

"Uhhhh.." Lucy held up a finger. "It's nice to meet you Misaka.. I was hoping we could be frie-"

"GET OFF THAT DESK!!! THE TEACHER IS TALKING!!!" Erza rose from her seat like a demon of the night and made to come at Natsu and Gray.

But Gray lost his balance.. and in a swift moment, his face fell right into Mikoto's chest.

There was a moment of silence..

Even Happy was staring in complete shock as he held his chalk inches away from the chalkboard.

"You.. pervert..." Mikoto hissed as she took her tazer out from nowhere, and jammed it right into Gray's back.

"YYYYYYYOOOOOWWW!!!!!" Gray leapt into the air from the pain of the shock, but Mikoto kept coming, jamming the tazer repeatidly into him.

Soon Gray was on the floor, his eyes looked more like Xs now.

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