Revenge Vegetables

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Mikoto woke up in her apartment feeling extremely empty. It wasn't her fault, every place she ever lived felt empty. It wasn't as if her parents didn't love her.. she actually had a pretty good relationship with them.. but because of the company her father ran, it wasn't often they got to spend time together, not after the sales skyrocketed when she was 13.. now.. she pretty spent all her time away from home, in dorms, or apartments. And even though her family was rich, and she could buy a yacht if she liked, she preferred nice normal apartments, and to use the money she earned from odd jobs around the city.

Mikoto yawned and looked at the Gekota calendar on her wall.. the weekend. What to do.. what to do.. what to do..

Mikoto sighed.. the weekends were going to be lonely.. Kuroko was all the way back in Kyoto, she could call her.. god knew that Kuroko was probably hanging onto her Skype account, waiting for a call.. then again.. if she spent the entire day just talking on Skype, it would get old quick.. probably best to just wait till later that night to call.

Mikoto flopped back onto her bed facedown.. still in her pajamas. Guess there was nothing left to do except sleep this day away..

At least, until she was dragged out of her bedroom kicking and screaming.

Before she knew it, she heard her door slam open.. two somebodies in ski masks grabbed Mikoto's ankle and started dragging her out the door as she panicked and grabbed at the carpet.

"AAAHHHH!!!!" Mikoto screamed. "WHO ARE YOU!!!? LET GO!!!"

Mikoto's voice was muffled as a bag was put over her head.

Mikoto's next moments were spent in intense fear as her hands were tied behind her back.. and she felt herself forced into a vehicle..

It wasn't until around 10 minutes inside the unknown vehicle, that the bag was thrown off and she saw who had the absolute audacity to kidnap her out of her apartment.

"Hey Mikoto!" Gray grinned from the driver's seat of the van, he was wearing swimming trunks and sunglasses. "Morning!"

"Yep... ugghhh.." Natsu groaned from the shotgun seat of the car, also wearing swimming trunks, and his scarf... apparently he was motion sick out of his mind.

"YOU TWO!?" Mikoto screamed as she struggled in her ropes. "WHAT THE HELL!?"

"Yesterday.." Natsu groaned. "When you said that... urp.. you were spending your weekend alone.. urrrgghh.. everyone got together and planned this little... rrrrrggh... trip to the beach.. "

"We wanted to keep it a surprise." said Gray. "So we came up with the perfect plan.."

"Which was basically to break into my home, tie me up.. and drag me here while I'm still in my pjs.. haven't even brushed my teeth, and look like death.." Mikoto muttered, her left eye twitched.

"Yeah... it was Natsu's plan not mine." said Gray.

"But you agreed to it.. didn't you?"

Gray frowned... "Maybe.... "

"We.. urp... got you a swimsuit..." Natsu said weakly, holding up a bag. "L-Lucy said this looked like it was your size... ya know.."

The van stopped next to a sidewalk, and the passenger door opened as Lucy and Erza climbed in, Erza in a red bikini, and Lucy wearing a tan top and shorts, all of them carrying beach towels and other supplies.

"Uh... hey Mikoto." said Lucy. "Why are you dressed for bed, and tied up?"

"I was kidnapped out of my apartment.." Mikoto muttered.

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