Flight 827

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Second term was flying by at an alarmingly fast rate. Hermione was in the full swing of her classes. She had been assigned a new Professor to TA under and to be honest she was less than impressed with both the Professor and the students of the History of Ancient Egypt class. It was a class that had the potential to be wonderful and promising but it was far from enjoyable. She herself loved all the topics covered but the Professor well he had a way of drying up any topic. Her Professor also seemed to dislike her and Hermione wasn't sure what she had done to piss off the man so badly but she figured by the way he spoke to his class that he just generally disliked everybody equally. "I've finished grading the essays, Professor Snape," Hermione had said entering the class one Monday morning and he just looked her up and down and said "I'm sure I will have to read over them and find any mistakes you undoubtedly missed. Take your seat, Granger. Class is about to begin." Not only was he an asshole to Hermione but the class replaced her beloved Museums Studies class so that also didn't add any favors to the situation. She should've just signed up for Bella's class again then she would've been given another class to TA but no she had to act rashly and this was her punishment. "Anything I can do to help, Professor," she rolled her eyes after she turned away from his desk. "Nobody appreciates a kiss ass, Granger." Biting her tongue she made her way to her TA desk and quickly scrawled a text to Bella.

Hermione(7:57am): do you think I could do jail time?

Bella(7:58am): definitely not. From what I've heard, Draco has told you the same thing. You really need to work on your anger issues, pet. Old Snape giving you a hard time again?

Hermione(7:59am): he absolutely hates me.

Bella(7:59am): he hates everybody. Don't take it to heart. Have a good class.

Hermione(8:00am): <3

Three months had passed since Bella and Hermione decided to try out being friends. It hadn't gone as awful as she had expected it to. Bella still teased her, relentlessly sometimes but it was easy to laugh it off. All of their encounters remained friendly and they found themselves spending a lot of time together in the library, at off campus bookstores and in the museum. They had made it a hard and fast rule that they wouldn't be alone together in either Bella's house or Hermione's apartment and that seemed to work for them. Hermione wouldn't be fooling anyone if she said her feelings for the older woman were gone. She was merely buying her time. One more month and she hoped the relationship would start back up again. Hermione was also pretty positive Bella was still in the same emotional place as her in regards to their relationship. In the bookstore, library or museum, anytime a part of their body would touch the other, electric currents were sent through them like little shock waves. Bella was showing no signs of wanting to back out as she often counted down the weeks and months until she could take her out on a proper date. Hermione couldn't wait but until that time, friends would suffice.

"Hey Hermione," an iced coffee slid into her line of vision during one of her shifts at the library. "I was asked to bring this to you."

"Oh?" Hermione looked up and smiled at Luna. "Well thank you," she took a sip and found the drink to be exactly as she liked it. "Who gave it to you?"

Luna shrugged. "I'm not at liberty to discuss that with you."

"Why ever not?"

"My life has been threatened," Luna smiled.

"Next time you see Professor Black, tell her I said thanks for the coffee."

Luna nodded and went over to her desk in the library while Hermione drank her ice coffee and just noticed the little slip of paper that Luna had also left on her desk. A smile crept upon her face when she looked around and slowly opened the paper and read:

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