The longer he sat, the more he complained. I barely kept myself from laughing. The sheer look of disappointment every time I threw away a paper was hilarious..

Luke didn’t even try to hide his laughs, which made it harder for me to holdback.

" Do you even know how to draw?" he said while he picked up one of the crumpled pages off the floor.

" Hey! Who gave you permission to move!" I said.

" yeah, why u movin'  bro" Luke joined which earned him a glare from Jordan.

" I bet She's garbage at drawing. That's why she keeps throwing the pages away-" he looked at the paper he just unfolded, he was surprised to say the least. But then he got angry.

" Oi ,  this drawing is pretty damn good. Why'd you throw it away!" he exasperated.

" Um, because I thought that wasn’t good enough?" he started picking up all the crumpled pages.

All of which were thrown away after drawing halfway. Shit.

" what about this one?"

" oh, the eyes look out of proportion in that"

" And this one?"

" I messed up with the face shape"

" and this, then this and this?" he showed me three papers at the same time.

" the shading was bad on the first one, and the other two also had some problems with the ears and nose " problems that were Internationally made and could be easily fixed.

But I wasn’t gonna tell him that.

" Are you kidding me! I've been sitting here for hours! You're such a bad artist!" his voice was getting louder

" Hey! It’s not my fault! You keep moving even though I clearly told you not to move. You're a bad model"

" She's right, Don't blame the artist. Blame the model " Luke was enjoying it.

" You shut up, Luke. And you, I'm not sitting anymore. I'm done being the model. Guarding the house is so much better than this shit. At least I get to move around" he grumbled as he started to walk out.

" But I want to draw you.."

" Then draw Luke"

" Noo, I wanna draw you first" I've never been the mischievous type. I don't know why I was being like that today. It was just so fun annoying Jordan.

" I don't care. I'm not taking this shit anymore. I'm leaving"

" But we were ordered to do as she says. And she wants to draw you. Are you really gonna disobey her and boss's order by doing so ? " Luke taunted him which made Jordan stop right before the front door.

After grunting a little he stomped back to the sofa and sat down, crossing his hands over his chest like a child. Me and Luke laughed at that. Cute.

" You better be over with this soon. No more playing around"

" Roger that" I was planning on being serious anyways.. I was getting kind of tired.

Luke enjoyed his time annoying Jordan as he sat still. At some point Jordan started to get seriously impatient.

Can't blame the guy. He's been sitting still for too long, and Luke being a brat was not helping it at all.

I finally finished my drawing at about 7.15ish. Satisfied with all the details I was able to put.

' It’s done! You're free to move now!" I said happily as Jordan gave a sigh of relief.

He slugged his shoulders down, and made himself comfortable on the sofa.  His back must feel stiff as he had to sit straight for so long. We did take breaks in between but still it was too long for him.

I looked at the portrait, this was the first time I saw them this close and without their sunglasses.

Jordan’s eyes were a pretty shade of brown, his eyebrows were nicely shaped. And he had nicely spread beard on his face which he clean shaved giving him a clean look. It suited him a lot.

His hair had a deep blond, almost brown color near the roots and very light blond at the ends.

While Luke had jet black hair with dark brown eyes. His eyelashes could make any girl jealous. Both of them were tall, about 5'11.  They were both very pretty .

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Jordan came beside me to see the portrait. He kept analysing it. In a moment Luke was beside me as well, looking at the picture.

" So.....? what do we think?" I was nervous because Jordan was still not saying anything. Did he not like it?

" It's..good" he finally said. I was worried, he might not have liked the picture and just forced himself to say it.

But the moment I saw a small smile on his face, I knew he meant it. This was the first time the guy smiled throughout the whole day.

This was also the first time someone sounded so gloomy while complimenting me. But still, it made me happy.

" Wow! You know this is good.  This grandpa never praises anyone . And he said that it’s good! Good job! " Luke smiled warmly at me which made me smile too.

" Okaayyy! Now it my turn!!" he said clapping his hand and then hopping on the sofa like a child.

" I'd love to draw you. But,  it's already late Luke. My mom's gonna come home soon. She'll freak out if she saw you guys inside" I said sadly.

Mom's been bugging me about them being outside my house most of the time. I just convinced her that they were sent by Aren because he thought I needed protection.

This obviously made mom swoon over him even more saying how caring and protective he was, and that I should give him a chance. I obviously ignored her.

But I don't think she'll be too happy if she saw that I brought the bodyguards inside. 

Luke's smile dropped immediately as he started pouting.

" No fair! You drew Jordan! And now when it’s my turn you're trying to skip! "

" I'm not skipping. Just, today's not possible.  I'll draw you tomorrow. " I said assuring him.

" But you drew Jordan today! I want you to draw me today too!" such a child!

" Oh, c'mon Luke. Stop being such a baby. I'm sure she must be tired. She said she'll draw you tomorrow, so suck it up." Jordan said finally. Has he been staring at the portrait this whole time?

He's still standing in front of the portrait.

" Fine. But Tomorrow, You'll do it. Promise?" he said pointing a finger at me.

" yeah yeah, promise. Now leave before mom comes" I ushered them to the door while Luke kept telling me that I better keep my promise.

Jordan had to drag him out while he still pouted. Jordan gave me a nod and then left as I closed the door.

Today was fun. It was then I realised just how easy it was to get along with those two, and how much comfortable I was in their presence.

Comfortable enough to annoy the grumpy one.

The first time when I saw them, I thought they were really scary and they must be very hostile. But they were actually like normal people.

Not once did I feel scared or threatened by them. In fact, I felt at ease with them. You really  never know someone until you get to know them, I guess.

I don't know where did the courage to talk and invite them inside came from, but I'm glad I did it.

Maybe meeting Arestair so many times has affected me so much, that nothing else feels scary anymore.

I wonder if Arestair is also different than what people make out of a positive way.

Nah, that's stretching it too far.  Not possible.

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