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The 126 was having lunch and talking about this and that when Owen suddenly said "You know guys, y'all need to stop being friends and boyfriends with that officer." He looked at rest of the 126 first and then at TK. Nancy glanced at TK who was on the verge of having a panic attack. She rubbed his thigh assuring him that it was not what he thought and he needed to calm down.

"Which officer? Carlos?" Mateo asked.


"Why Cap, I think you liked him?" asked Marjan, confusion clear in her eyes.

"Of course, I do. Hell, I even love him starting from today." Captain Strand said looking all happy and smiley.

All of them were confused. If Owen liked him then why did he need them to stop being friends with him? His words contradicted each other.

"But Cap he is your son's boyfriend. You can't feel about him like that." Mateo being Mateo said the most scandalous thing he could ever. It took all of them to realize the meaning and when they did, they gave Mateo deadly glares. Unaware of the situation Mateo kept munching on his potato salad that Judd brought. He looked at them after noticing silence for a minute or so.


"Remind me to keep my mouth shut around him" Owen said still glaring at him.

'Yeah, same" Said Judd.

"Same here." Paul added.

"I am gonna get nightmares from this." Nancy said.

"But what did I do?" Mateo still couldn't' understand the situation. The 126 couldn't keep their faces straight anymore seeing Mateo's innocence and burst in to laughter.

"You really are cute, probie." Marjan said smiling at him.

"So Cap, you were saying something?" Judd asked.

TK was being unbelievably quiet all the time. He couldn't stop himself from getting negative thoughts.

"Oh right! That guy Carlos, he is close with everyone of you but still calls me Captain Strand."

"You mean everyone of y'all?" Said Marjan with a teasing smile.

"Yeah, that too."

"So, are you jealous or what Cap?" asked Judd.

"No, but I want him for me too." Owen continued.

"Okay, now you are gonna need to explain that Cap." Judd looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"That guy! Every time he opens his mouth he talks about someone else's good. I don't think I have ever met someone as nice as him. Not only as my son's boyfriend but as a human being he is the best human being I know. Hell, he even sometimes makes me feel like he loves my son more than me. No, he doesn't brag or something. I don't think he even realizes that he does that. In short, I'd love to flex being friends with someone like that." Said Owen thinking and nodding his head to himself.

TK couldn't stop but blush. His father had never liked any of his boyfriends. And he was right every time. He was dying thinking what would he do if his dad didn't approve of Carlos. Would he think twice about Carlos because his dad was right all other times? Or would he trust himself and Carlos and try to persuade Owen to give Carlos a chance. In few minutes, all TK's anxiety around Carlos and Owen vanished in to air. He could only think about how Nancy said Owen and Carlos are the two men who loved him the most.

"I can't believe. Reyes has two of the Strands in his palm. Like this" Nancy said showing her one palm and metaphorically putting two Strands in them with the fingers of her other hand, smiling.

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